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337 results

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201. The Inductive Step of the Second Brauer-Thrall Conjecture

202. Directed Graphs and the Jacobi-Trudi Identity

203. Positive Definite Functions for the Class Lp(G)

204. On a Class of One-Relator Groups

205. Groups with the Subnormal Join Property

206. Planar Maps are Well Labeled Trees

207. Weak Separation Lattices of Graphs

208. Integral Group Rings with Nilpotent Unit Groups

209. Groups with Finite Dimensional Irreducible Multiplier Representations

210. The Asymptotic Behaviour of Equidistant Permutation Arrays

211. Local Stability and Saturation in Spaces of Orderings

212. Prime Numbers in Short Intervals and a Generalized Vaughan Identity

213. Intersection Patterns of Families of Convex Sets

214. Extremal Properties of Constrained Tchebychev Polynomials

215. FK Spaces in Which the Sequence of Coordinate Vectors is Bounded

216. Some Explicit Generators for SL(3, 3n), SU(3, 3n), Sp(4,3n) and SL(4, 3n)

217. Combinatorial Oriented Maps

218. The Density of Zeros of Dirichlet's L-Functions

219. Combinatorial Matrices with Small Determinants

220. Subrings of Generated by Monomials

221. The Mathieu Groups

222. Orthogonal Decompositions of Multivariate Weakly Stationary Stochastic Processes

223. Counting Coloured Graphs II

224. On Unsolvable Groups of Degree p = 4q + 1, p and q Primes

225. 𝔪-Stone Lattices

226. Going Down in Polynomial Rings

227. Inequalities for the Permanental Minors of Non-Negative Matrices

228. Extension Of Finite Projective Planes I. Uniform Hjelmslev Planes

229. On the Disjoint Product of Irreducible Representations of the Symmetric Group

230. On the Ideal Theory of the Kronecker Function Ring and the Domain D(X)

231. Transitive Orientation of Graphs and Identification of Permutation Graphs

232. Tournaments With a Given Automorphism Group

233. The Free Product of Two Groups with a Malnormal Amalgamated Subgroup

234. On the Group of a Directed Graph

235. On Division Near-Rings

236. Polar Means of Convex Bodies and a Dual to the Brunn-Minkowski Theorem

237. Sieve-Generated Sequences with Translated Intervals

238. A Census of Hamiltonian Polygons

239. Distinct Values of a Polynomial in Subsets of a Finite Field

240. On the Vanishing of a (G, σ) Product in a (G, σ) Space

241. Dimension of Ideals in Polynomial Rings

242. Positive Linear Maps on C*-Algebras

243. A Note on Some Perfect Squared Squares

244. Extremal Point and Edge Sets in n-Graphs

245. Polytopes Over GF(2) and their Relevance for the Cubic Surface Group

246. A Metrical Theorem in Diophantine Approximation

247. Connectivity in Matroids

248. Three Facially-Regular Polyhedra

249. On Plane Sections and Projections of Convex Sets

250. On Matrix Commutators of Higher Order