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101. The Hypercentre and the n-Centre of the Unit Group of an Integral Group Ring

102. Weighted Norm Inequalities for Fractional Integral Operators With Rough Kernel

103. Maps in Locally Orientable Surfaces and Integrals Over Real Symmetric Surfaces

104. Rational Classification of Simple Function Space Components for Flag Manifolds

105. Determinantal Forms for Symplectic and Orthogonal Schur Functions

106. Estimates for the Heat Kernel on SL(n,R)/ SO(n)

107. Induction and Restriction of π-Partial Characters and their Lifts

108. The Hopf Ring for P(n)

109. Fiber Completions, Contact Singularities and Single Valued Solutions for C∞-Second Order Ode

110. The Exponent of the Homotopy Groups of Moore Spectra and the Stable Hurewicz Homomorphism

111. Prime Segments of Skew Fields

112. Some Values for the Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction

113. A Simple Algorithm for Deciding Primes in K[[x,y]]

114. Generalized Stirling Numbers, Convolution Formulae and p, q-Analogues

115. Fixed Points of Automorphisms of Free Pro-p Groups of Rank 2

116. The Generalized Wielandt Subgroup of a Group

117. On Orthogonal Polynomials With Respect to a Positive Definite Matrix of Measures

118. Multipliers on Spaces of Analytic Functions

119. Weakly Projective and Weakly Injective Modules

120. The Structure of C*-Convex Sets

121. Some Applications of Artamonov-Quillen-Suslin Theorems to Metabelian Inner Rank and Primitivity

122. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Hypoellipticity for a Class of Convolution Operators

123. The A.S. Limit Distribution of the Longest Head Run

124. Isomorphisms Between Linear Groups Over Division Rings

125. On the Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Infinite Dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes

126. On the Minimal Crossing Number and the Braid Index of Links

127. The Ramsey Property for Families of Graphs Which Exclude a Given Graph

128. On the Normal Growth of Prime Factors of Integers

129. Class Numbers of Real Quadratic Fields, Continued Fractions, Reduced Ideals, Prime-Producing Quadratic Polynomials and Quadratic Residue Covers

130. Coloring Ordered Sets to Avoid Monochromatic Maximal Chains

131. Weights for Covering Groups of Symmetric and Alternating Groups, р ≠ 2

132. Structure of р-Solvable Groups With Three р-Regular Classes

133. Strongly Abelian Varieties and the Hamiltonian Property

134. On the Vector Sum of Two Convex Sets in Space

135. Weighted Interpolation Inequalities and Embeddings in Rn

136. Automorphisms of a Certain Skew Polynomial Ring of Derivation Type

137. Isomorphism Classes of Graph Bundles

138. Centres of Rank-Metric Completions

139. On a Generalized Fundamental Equation of Information

140. On the Number of Parity Sets in a Graph

141. The Number of Closed Subsets of a Topological Space

142. Examples and Questions in the Theory of Fixed Point Sets

143. Partial λ-Geometries and Generalized Hadamard Matrices Over Groups

144. On the Endomorphisms of a Polynomial Ring

145. The Orbit-Stabilizer Problem for Linear Groups

146. A Partition of Finite T0 Topologies

147. Massey Products and Lower Central Series of Free Groups

148. Actions of Finite Groups on Rn+k with Fixed Set Rk

149. Coinitial Grapfis and Whitehead Automorphisms

150. On Basis-Conjugating Automorphisms of Free Groups