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1. Lorentz Estimates for Weak Solutions of Quasi-linear Parabolic Equations with Singular Divergence-free Drifts

2. Isomorphisms of Twisted Hilbert Loop Algebras

3. Locally Indecomposable Galois Representations

4. On Homogeneous Images of Compact Ordered Spaces

5. Large values of Dirichlet L-functions at zeros of a class of L-functions

6. One-Level Density of Low-lying Zeros of Quadratic and Quartic Hecke -functions

7. Eigenvalue Optimisation on Flat Tori and Lattice Points in Anisotropically Expanding Domains

8. Euler-type Relative Equilibria and their Stability in Spaces of Constant Curvature

9. Anisotropic Hardy-Lorentz Spaces with Variable Exponents

10. The Classical N-body Problem in the Context of Curved Space

11. Constrained Approximation with Jacobi Weights

12. Lyapunov Stability and Attraction Under Equivariant Maps

13. Some Remarks on Eisenstein Series for Metaplectic Coverings

14. Holomorphic Functionals on Open Riemann Surfaces

15. Transferring Results From Rings of Continuous Functions to Rings of Analytic Functions

16. Eisenstein Series for Reductive Groups Over Global Function Fields II: The General Case

17. The Application of Lagrangian Methods to the Enumeration of Labelled Trees with Respect to Edge Partition

18. Enumerating Dissectible Polyhedra by Their Automorphism Groups

19. The Generalisation of Tutte's Result for Chromatic Trees, by Lagrangian Methods

20. On the Structure and Tensor Products of JC-Algebras

21. On a Family of Distributions obtained from Orbits

22. A Summation Formula Involving σk(n), k > 1

23. A Generalized Integral II

24. An Elementary Proof of a Theorem About the Representation of Primes by Quadratic Forms

25. Commutators of Operators on Hilbert Space

26. Biorthogonal Systems in lp-Spaces

27. Perturbation of the Continuous Spectrum of Systems of Ordinary Differential Operators

28. Some Results on Quadrics in Finite Projective Geometry Based on Galois Fields

29. The Expression of Trigonometrical Series in Fourier Form

30. Logarithmic Capacity of Sets and Double Trigonometric Series

31. The Weyl Problem With Nonnegative Gauss Curvature In Hyperbolic Space

32. Generalized Kähler–Einstein Metrics and Energy Functionals

33. Regularization of the Kepler Problem on the Three-sphere

34. Generalized Frobenius Algebras and Hopf Algebras

35. Balayage of Semi-Dirichlet Forms

36. Compactness of Commutators for Singular Integrals on Morrey Spaces

37. A Bott–Borel–Weil Theorem for Diagonal Ind-groups

38. Holomorphie des opérateurs d’entrelacement normalisés à l’aide des paramètres d’Arthur

39. Classification of Reducing Subspaces of a Class of Multiplication Operators on the Bergman Space via the Hardy Space of the Bidisk

40. Invariant Einstein Metrics on Some Homogeneous Spaces of Classical Lie Groups

41. Asymptotic Properties for Increments of l∞-Valued Gaussian Random Fields

42. Representations of the Fundamental Group of an L–Punctured Sphere Generated by Products of Lagrangian Involutions

43. Diametrically Maximal and Constant Width Sets in Banach Spaces

44. Decomposability of von Neumann Algebras and the Mazur Property of Higher Level

45. Multiplicity Results for Nonlinear Neumann Problems

46. Reciprocity Law for Compatible Systems of Abelian mod p Galois Representations

47. Asymptotic Behavior of the Length of Local Cohomology

48. Hermitian Yang–Mills–Higgs Metrics on Complete Kähler Manifolds

49. On the Sizes of Gaps in the Fourier Expansion of Modular Forms

50. On Local L-Functions and Normalized Intertwining Operators