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1,731 results

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201. A Characterization of 2-Betweenness in 2-Metric Spaces

202. Determination of a Subset from Certain Combinatorial Properties

203. Certain Artinian Rings are Noetherian

204. A Summation Formula Involving σk(n), k > 1

205. Generation of Local Integral Orthogonal Groups in Characteristic 2

206. Zeta Functions on the Unitary Sphere

207. On Planar Continuous Families of Curves

208. On Quasi-Essential Subgroups of Primary Abelian Groups

209. A Characterization of the Algebra of Functions Vanishing at Infinity

210. Sphere Packings and Error-Correcting Codes

211. A Geometrical Approach to the Second-Order Linear Differential Equation

212. Generalized Hughes Planes

213. The Kernel of the General-Sum Four-Person Game

214. Relations Between the Digits of Numbers and Equal Sums of Like Powers

215. Rings with Finite Norm Property

216. Induced Representations and Alternating Groups

217. On the Group Ring

218. Representations Subduced on an Ideal of a Lie Algebra

219. Modular Annihilator Algebras

220. A Generalization of 'Concordance of PL-Homeomorphisms of Sp × Sq

221. On the Average Number of Trees in Certain Maps

222. Subspaces of a Generalized Metric Space

223. On Redfield's Range-Correspondences

224. Chromatic Sums for Rooted Planar Triangulations II: The Case λ = τ + 1

225. A Generalized Integral II

226. Subgroups of HNN Groups and Groups with one Defining Relation

227. On a Theorem of Herstein

228. A One-Regular Graph of Degree Three

229. Asymptotic Expansions II

230. On Null-Recurrent Markov Chains

231. Szegö Polynomials on a Compact Group with Ordered Dual

232. Homotopy Groups of Transformation Groups

233. n-ANR's for Certain Normal Spaces

234. The Coordinate Conditions and the Equations of Motion

235. Some Principles Underlying The Construction of Measures

236. The Use of S-Functions in Combinatorial Analysis

237. On Frequencies and Semicontinuous Functions

238. On the Generality of the AP-Integral

239. A Cyclic Involution of Period Eleven

240. A Further Note on Lototsky-Type Transformations

241. Lattice-Ordered Rings of Quotients

242. Finite Linear Groups of Degree Seven. I

243. Generalized Spectral Theory and Second Order Ordinary Differential Operators

244. Functionals of Bounded Frechet Variation

245. Finiteness of Semigroups of Operators in Universal Algebra

246. Perturbation Theorems for Relative Spectral Problems

247. Transversal Theory and Matroids

248. Reidemeister Projective Planes

249. Representations of Groups as Automorphisms on Orthomodular Lattices and Posets

250. Notes on Sphere Packings