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1. Detection of red heartwood in paper birch () using external stem characteristics.

2. An impact analysis of climate change on the forestry industry in Quebec.

3. Potential changes in monthly fire risk in the eastern Canadian boreal forest under future climate change.

4. Stand structure and dynamics of Picea mariana on the northern border of the natural closed boreal forest in Quebec, Canada.

5. Comment—Effects of adventitious roots on age determination in balsam fir regeneration.

6. Influence of recent fire season and severity on black spruce regeneration in spruce-moss forests of Quebec, Canada.

7. Demography and spatial dynamics in balsam fir stands after a spruce budworm outbreak.

8. Paludification dynamics in the boreal forest of the James Bay Lowlands: effect of time since fire and topography.

9. Tree-ring evidence extends the historic northern range limit of severe defoliation by insects in the aspen stands of western Quebec, Canada.

10. Accounting for error correlations in diameter increment modelling: a case study applied to northern hardwood stands in Quebec, Canada.

11. How to shift unproductive Kalmia angustifolia – Rhododendron groenlandicum heath to productive conifer plantation.

12. Recruitment of Picea mariana, Pinus banksiana, and Populus tremuloides across a burn severity gradient following wildfire in the southern boreal forest of Quebec.

13. Ageing and decline of trembling aspen stands in Quebec.

14. Persistence of early growth of planted Picea mariana seedlings following clear-cutting and drainage in Quebec wetlands.

15. Xylophagous insect species composition and patterns of substratum use on fire-killed black spruce in central Quebec.

16. Testing forest ecosystem management in boreal mixedwoods of northwestern Quebec: initial response of aspen stands to different levels of harvesting.

17. Temporal, spatial, and structural patterns of adult trembling aspen and white spruce mortality in Quebec's boreal forest.

18. Gap dynamics and replacement patterns in gaps of the northeastern boreal forest of Quebec.

19. Predicting basal area increment in a spatially explicit, individual tree model: a test of competition measures with black spruce.

21. Partial cuts in a trembling aspen ? conifer stand: effects on microenvironmental conditions and regeneration dynamics .

22. Structure de sapini res am nag es et anciennes du massif des Laurentides (Quebec) et diversit des plantes invasculaires.

23. Évolution de la structure diamétrale et production ligneuse des pessières noires issues de coupe et de feu.

24. Dynamics of eastern larch stands and its relationships with larch sawfly outbreaks in the northern Clay Belt of Quebec.

25. Balsam fir self-thinning relationship and its constancy among different ecological regions.

26. Impact a court terme d'une coupe avec protection de la regeneration sur la gelinotte huppee (Bonasa umbellus) en foret boreale (in French)