
Showing total 14 results
14 results

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1. An alternative simulation framework to evaluate the sustainability of annual harvest on large forest estates.

2. The distribution of tree biomass carbon within the Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest, a disproportionally carbon dense forest.

3. Evaluating the transition to sustainable forest management in Ontario's Crown Forest Sustainability Act and forest management planning manuals from 1994 to 2009.

4. A pan-Canadian assessment of empirical research on post-disturbance recovery in the Canadian Forest Service.

5. Intensive management increases flexibility in managing wood supply.

6. Introduction: Ecology and silviculture of temperate mixedwood forests.

7. Forecasting wildfire-induced declines in potential forest harvest levels across Québec.

8. Long-term compositional changes following partial disturbance revealed by the resurvey of logging concession limits in the northern temperate forest of eastern Canada.

9. Decomposition differences between snags and logs in forests of Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.

10. Profitability of continuous-cover forestry in Norway spruce dominated peatland forest and the role of water table.

11. Unique songbird communities in mature riparian spruce forest compared with upland forest in southern Yukon.

12. Economics of mixed-species forestry with ecosystem services.

13. Minimizing spatial dispersion of forest harvest areas using spectral clustering and set covering modelling.

14. A replanning approach for maximizing woodland caribou habitat alongside timber production.