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63 results

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1. Crop tree growth response and quality after silvicultural rehabilitation of cutover stands.

2. The effect of the density of candidate roads on solutions in tactical forest planning.

3. Long-term stability of northern hardwoods across a topographic gradient and variations in harvest methods.

4. Overview of the 2022 North American Forest Ecology Workshop (NAFEW): Turning Ecological Answers into Forest Management Actions.

5. Building on the last "new" thing: exploring the compatibility of ecological and adaptation silviculture.

6. Agent-based simulation of multiple-round timber combinatorial auction.

7. Indigenous experiences with public advisory committees in Canadian forest management1.

8. Evaluating the transition to sustainable forest management in Ontario's Crown Forest Sustainability Act and forest management planning manuals from 1994 to 2009.

9. Comparison of forest age estimators using k-tree, fixed-radius, and variable-radius plot sampling.

10. Integrating risk management tools for regional forest planning: an interactive multiobjective value-at-risk approach.

11. Some options for Climate-Smart Forestry in Europe's mountain regions.

12. A neuro-dynamic programming approach to the optimal stand management problem.

13. Assessing future climate trends and implications for managed forests across Canadian ecozones.

14. Maintaining the high diversity of pine and oak species in Mexican temperate forests: a new management approach combining functional zoning and ecosystem adaptability.

15. A simulation-based optimization approach to integrated inventory management of a sawlog supply chain with demand uncertainty.

16. Paradigm shifts in forestry and forest research: a bibliometric analysis.

17. Testing the significance of different tree spatial distribution patterns based on the uniform angle index.

18. Transdisciplinary science for strengthening forest systems in British Columbia: Quesnel as a learning landscape.

19. Introduction: Ecology and silviculture of temperate mixedwood forests.

20. Perceptions of uncertainty in forest planning: contrasting forest professionals' perspectives with the latest research.

21. Cost of climate change mitigation in Canada's forest sector.

22. Does gender diversity in forest sector companies matter?

23. Long-term compositional changes following partial disturbance revealed by the resurvey of logging concession limits in the northern temperate forest of eastern Canada.

24. Tree quality and value: results in northern conifer stands after 65 years of silviculture and harvest.

25. A new generation of sensors and monitoring tools to support climate-smart forestry practices.

26. Pan-European sustainable forest management indicators for assessing Climate-Smart Forestry in Europe.

27. The effects of variable retention forestry on coarse woody debris dynamics and concomitant impacts on American marten habitat after 27 years.

28. Continuous-cover management and attractiveness of managed Scots pine forests.

29. Economics of mixed-species forestry with ecosystem services.

30. Initial tree regeneration response to natural-disturbance-based silviculture in second-growth northern hardwood forests.

31. Modeling black spruce wood fiber attributes with terrestrial laser scanning.

32. Regulatory intersections and Indigenous rights: lessons from Forest Stewardship Council certification in Quebec, Canada1.

33. Strategic approaches to Indigenous engagement in natural resource management: use of collaboration and conflict to expand negotiating space by three Indigenous nations in Quebec, Canada1.

34. Aggregating microsegments into harvest blocks by using spatial optimization and proximity objectives.

35. Root-associated fungi of Pinus wallichiana in Kashmir Himalaya.

36. Heterogeneity in attitudes underlying preferences for genomic technology producing hybrid poplars on public land.

37. The (new) role of public forest administration in Western Balkans: examples from Serbia, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, and Republika Srpska.

38. Estimating stand-level economic impacts of black bear damage to intensively managed forests.

39. Effects of multiaged silvicultural systems on reserve tree growth 19 years after establishment across multiple species in the Acadian forest in Maine, USA.

40. Uncertainty of inventory-based estimates of the carbon dynamics of Canada's managed forest (1990-2014).

41. Strategic planning in a forest supply chain: a multigoal and multiproduct approach.

42. Comparing the efficacy of linear programming models I and II for spatial strategic forest management.

43. Mapping site index and volume increment from forest inventory, Landsat, and ecological variables in Tahoe National Forest, California, USA.

44. Wildlife monitoring in Finland: online information for game administration, hunters, and the wider public1.

45. Using silvicultural practices to regulate competition, resource availability, and growing conditions for Pinus palustris seedlings underplanted in Pinus taeda forests.

46. A 6 year longitudinal study of post-fire woody carbon dynamics in California's forests.

47. No seed zone effects on the survival, growth, and stem form of Pacific silver fir ( Abies amabilis) in Britain.

48. Temporal transferability of LiDAR-based imputation of forest inventory attributes.

49. Decadal soil and stand response to fire, harvest, and salvage-logging disturbances in the western boreal mixedwood forest of Alberta, Canada1.

50. Efficient sampling strategies for forest inventories by spreading the sample in auxiliary space.