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329 results

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1. Environmental and resource economics: A Canadian retrospective.

4. Changing threat perceptions and the efficient provisioning of international security.

5. Big data analytics in economics: What have we learned so far, and where should we go from here?

6. Multinationals' profit response to tax differentials: Effect size and shifting channels.

7. Multi-product exporters, variable markups and exchange rate fluctuations.

8. Notes on Hotelling's economics of exhaustible resources.

9. A further note on the treatment of serial correlation.

10. Symposium on flexible exchange rates.

11. Testing for poverty dominance: an application to Canada.

12. News of the Association/Chronique de l'Association News of the Association Chronique de l'Association.

13. Viewpoint: Agglomeration research in the age of disaggregation.

14. Social connections and editorship in economics.

15. Voluntary import expansions with non-stationary demand.

16. Armington elasticities in intermediate inputs trade: a problem in using multilateral trade data.

17. News of the Association.

19. Optimal labour contracts and imperfect competition: a framework for analysis.

20. International competitiveness and industry pricing in Canadian manufacturing.

21. Estimates of marginal discovery costs for oil and gas.

22. Bankruptcy cost and the theory of oligopoly.

23. Price and output adjustment, inventory flexibility, and cost and demand disturbances .

24. The socialization of medical insurance in Canada.

25. Factor taxes, factor migration, and welfare.

26. Harry Johnson: macroeconomist.

27. The Supply of property offences in Ontario: evidence on the deterrent effect of punschment.

28. Protection and real profits.

29. Does trade stimulate product quality upgrading?

30. The political economy of naturalization.

31. The political economy of public health expenditure and wait times in a public-private mixed health care system.

32. Winners and losers: a micro-level analysis of international outsourcing and wages.

33. Forecasting Canadian time series with the New Keynesian model.

34. Innis Lecture: Hedonic equilibrium.

35. Tariffs and the adoption of clean technology under asymmetric information.

36. Viewpoint: Sustainability: Malthus revisited?

37. Mixed oligopoly and spatial agglomeration: a comment.

38. Collective consumption and welfare.

39. Trade, product cycles, and inequality within and between countries.

40. Lobbying, multisector trade, and sustainability of free-trade agreements.

41. Does trade liberalization harm the environment? A new test.

42. How long to eat a cake of unknown size? Optimal time horizon under uncertainty.

43. Membership has its privileges: the effect of social capital and neighbourhood characteristics on the earnings of microfinance borrowers.

44. Sunk costs and the measurement of commercial property depreciation.

45. Product sophistication and spillovers from foreign direct investment.

46. The surrogate wage function and capital: theory with measurement.

47. Micro-foundations of external economies.

48. A review article: The case against the use of the sum of compensating variations in cost-benefit analysis.

49. On the uniqueness of endogenous strategic timing.

50. On macro-economic instability under a monetarist policy rule in a federal economy.