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1. A multistage magmatic history for the genesis of the Orford ophiolite (Quebec, Canada): a study of the Mont Chagnon massif.

2. The Red Island Road Formation: Early Devonian terrestrial fill in the Anticosti Foreland Basin, western Newfoundland.

3. The southeastern Churchill Province: synthesis of a Paleoproterozoic transpressional orogen.

4. The Drift des Demoiselles on the Magdalen Islands (Québec, Canada): sedimentological and micromorphological evidence of a Late Wisconsinan glacial diamict.

5. Metallogeny of the Marco zone, Corvet Est, disseminated gold deposit, James Bay, Quebec, Canada.

6. Procteria ( Pachyprocteria) vermifera n. sp., an unusual Hicetes-bearing species of tabulate coral from the lower Eifelian of the Gaspé Sandstones Group, Rimouski County (Quebec, Canada).

7. Early Devonian putative gyracanthid acanthodians from eastern Canada.

8. Geochemistry of Sainte-Marguerite volcanic rocks: implications for the evolution of Silurian–Devonian volcanism in the Gaspé Peninsula.

9. A revision of the stratigraphic nomenclature of the Cambrian–Ordovician strata of the Philipsburg tectonic slice, southern Quebec.

10. Early Paleozoic development of the Maine-Quebec Boundary Mountains region.

11. Les écoulements et le transport glaciaires dans la partie septentrionale du Nunavik (Québec).

12. Stratigraphy and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Late Ordovician to Middle Devonian Gaspé Belt in northern New Brunswick: evidence from the Restigouche area.

13. Paleogeography of the Matapédia basin in the Gaspé Appalachians: initiation of the Gaspé Belt successor basin.

14. Reconstruction of Taconian and Acadian paleostress regimes in the Quebec and northern New Brunswick Appalachians.

15. Integration and spatial analysis of high-resolution geophysical and geological data, eastern Gaspé Peninsula.

16. A new stratigraphic framework for the Gaspé Belt in southern Quebec: implications for the pre-Acadian Appalachians of eastern Canada.

17. Biostratigraphic significance of lower Paleozoic microfaunas from eastern Canada.

18. The Lower Devonian Compton Formation in southern Quebec: from delta front to pro-delta sedimentation.

19. The timing of Proterozoic magmatism in the Pinware terrane of southeast Labrador, easternmost Quebec and northwest Newfoundland.

20. The impact of climate change on an emerging coastline affected by discontinuous permafrost: Manitounuk Strait, northern Quebec.

21. Cave infill and associated biotic remains as indicators of Holocene environment in Gatineau Park (Quebec, Canada).

22. Lower Paleozoic configuration of the Quebec reentrant based on improved along-strike paleogeography.

23. Seismotectonic characteristics of the Lower St. Lawrence Seismic Zone, Quebec: insights from geology, magnetics, gravity, and seismics.

24. Tectonic evolution and significance of Silurian--Early Devonian hinterland-directed deformation in the internal Humber zone of the southern Quebec Appalachians.

25. Stratigraphic framework for the Cambrian--Ordovician rift and passive margin successions from southern Quebec to western Newfoundland.

26. Reappraisal of the Beekmantown Group sedimentology and stratigraphy, Montréal area, southwestern Quebec: implications for understanding the depositional evolution of the Lower--Middle Ordovician Laurentian passive margin of eastern Canada.

27. Structural analysis of supracrustal faults in the Charlevoix area, Quebec: relation to impact cratering and the St-Laurent fault system.

29. Relationships between lithofacies belts and conodont faunas, Gun River Formation (Lower Silurian), Anticosti Island, Quebec: a statistical approach.

30. U-Pb ages of plutonism, wollastonite formation, and deformation in the central part of the Lac-Saint-Jean anorthosite suite.

31. Mesoproterozoic lamprophyres in the Labrieville Massif, Quebec: clues to the origin of alkalic anorthosites?

32. Geophysical correlations in the Ungava Bay area.

33. Geophysical characteristics of the continental crust along the Lithoprobe Eastern Canadian Shield Onshore–Offshore Transect (ECSOOT): a review.

34. Review of crustal architecture and evolution in the Ungava Peninsula — Baffin Island area: connection to the Lithoprobe ECSOOT transect.

35. Holocene deltaic sedimentation along an emerging coast: Nastapoka River delta, eastern Hudson Bay, Quebec.

36. A condensed Lower to Middle Ordovician graptolite succession at Matane, Quebec, Canada.

37. Paleoproterozoic carbonatitic ultrabasic volcanic rocks (meimechites?) of Cape Smith Belt, Quebec.

38. A paleoecological analysis of a southern permafrost peatland, Charlevoix, Quebec.

39. Structure of the Lac Nominingue – Mont-Laurier region, Central Metasedimentary Belt, Quebec Grenville Province.

40. Hinge modifications and musculature of strophomenoid brachiopods: examples across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary, Anticosti Island, Quebec.