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1. Best Paper Award 2017.

2. PbIso: an R package and web app for calculating and plotting Pb isotope data.

3. Canada's maritime frontier: the science legacy of Canada's extended continental shelf mapping for UNCLOS.

4. Late Wisconsinan buildup and wastage of the Innuitian Ice Sheet across southern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut.

5. Crustal eduction and slab-failure magmatism in an Orosirian (2.05–1.80 Ga) postcollisional cratonic foredeep: geochronology of Seton volcanics and Compton laccoliths, Tu Cho (Great Slave Lake), NWT, Canada.

6. Postglacial emergence of Amund and Ellef Ringnes islands, Nunavut: implications for the northwest sector of the Innuitian Ice Sheet.

7. Recent sedimentation in three adjacent fjord-lakes on the Québec North Shore (eastern Canada): facies analysis, laminae preservation, and potential for varve formation.

8. John Tuzo Wilson: a Canadian who revolutionized Earth Sciences1.

9. Introduction to the Grenville Province: a geological and mineral resources perspective derived from government and academic research initiatives.

10. Introduction to the Special issue of the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, "Magmatic and metallogenic processes associated with large igneous provinces".

11. Landform signature of the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets across Alberta during the last glaciation.

12. Geochemistry, geochronology, and radiogenic isotopes of the Balmer and Confederation assemblages of the Laird Lake Area, Red Lake greenstone belt, Canada: implications for Archean tectonic evolution.

13. The Potsdam–Beekmantown Group boundary, Nepean Formation type section (Ottawa, Ontario): a cryptic sequence boundary, not a conformable transition.

14. Landscape evolution and human occupation during the Archaic period on the northern Plains.

15. Timing and tectonic setting of Stikine Terrane magmatism, Babine-Takla lakes area, central British Columbia.

16. Geochronology of mid-Cretaceous to Eocene magmatism, Babine porphyry copper district, central British Columbia.

17. Reply to the discussion by N. Eyles and A. Mohajer on "Analysis and reinterpretation of deformation features in the Rouge River valley, Scarborough, Ontario".

18. Late Wisconsinan stratigraphy and chronology of southern St. George's Bay, Newfoundland: a re-appraisal: Reply.

19. Chronology of transpression, magmatism, and sedimentation in the Thompson Nickel Belt (Manitoba, Canada) and timing of Trans-Hudson Orogen - Superior Province collision.

21. Catastrophic tidal expansion in the Bay of Fundy, Canada.

22. Groundwater recharge trends in Canada.

23. Geologist-controlled trends versus computer-controlled trends: introducing a high-resolution approach to subsurface structural mapping using well-log data, trend surface analysis, and geospatial analysis.

24. Petrology and textural classification of the Jericho kimberlite, northern Slave Province, Nunavut, Canada.

25. A new ceratopsid dinosaur (Ornithischia) from the uppermost Horseshoe Canyon Formation (upper Maastrichtian), Alberta, Canada.

26. Structural analysis of the Miniss River and related faults, western Superior Province: post-collisional displacement initiated at terrane boundaries.

27. Stratigraphic evidence for multiple Holocene advances of Lillooet Glacier, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia.

28. Large Holocene landslides from Pylon Peak, southwestern British Columbia.

29. Conodont biostratigraphy of the Lower to Middle Devonian Deserters Formation (new), Road River Group, northeastern British Columbia.

30. A multistage magmatic history for the genesis of the Orford ophiolite (Quebec, Canada): a study of the Mont Chagnon massif.

31. Integrated teleseismic studies of the southern Alberta upper mantle.

33. Geomorphic diversity of the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelves Bioregion.

34. U–Pb geochronology: its development and importance in Canada.

35. Arctosaurus osborni, a Late Triassic archosauromorph reptile from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

36. The Cambrian--Ordovician successions along the ancient continental margin of Laurentia--recent advances.

37. A revised coastal sensitivity index for Canada's marine coasts calculated using nonparametric statistics.

38. Fluid sources and mineralizing processes in greenstone belts: a stable isotope (O, H) comparison between the weakly mineralized Moly-Desgagné–Guercheville system and Val-d'Or orogenic gold deposits, Canada.

39. Age and significance of the Fire Bay assemblage: an Ordovician arc fragment within the Clements Markham belt, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Canada.

40. A Random Forest approach to predict geology from geophysics in the Pontiac subprovince, Canada.

41. Deep long-period earthquakes near Mount Meager, British Columbia.

42. Structural and geochronological constraints on orogenic gold mineralization in the western Wabigoon subprovince, Canada.

43. John Tuzo Wilson: a Canadian who revolutionized Earth Sciences1.

44. Tuzo Wilson and the acceptance of pre-Mesozoic continental drift1.

45. John Tuzo Wilson: a man who moved mountains1.

46. The first substantive evidence of Utatsusaurus (Ichthyopterygia) from the Sulphur Mountain Formation (Lower-Middle Triassic) of British Columbia, Canada: a skull roof description in comparison with other early taxa.

47. Petrogenesis and mode of emplacement of a Neoarchean tonalite–trondhjemite–diorite suite: the Eau Jaune Complex, Abitibi greenstone belt.

48. Evidence for microbially mediated silver enrichment in a middle Cambrian Burgess Shale-type deposit, Mackenzie Mountains, northwestern Canada.

49. Holocene sediments from a coastal lake on northern Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada.

50. Paleobotany and paleoecology of Gao Mine, a late Paleocene fossil locality near Red Deer, Alberta, Canada1.