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1. Freezing in nonacclimated oat: thermal response and histological observations of crowns during recovery.

2. Poplar research in Canada — a historical perspective with a view to the future.

3. Verticillium tolerance: resistance, susceptibility, or mutualism?

4. Shoot architecture in the Vitaceae.

5. Isolates of endophytic Chaetomium spp. inhibit the fungal pathogen Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in vitro.

6. The South African Hordeum capense is more closely related to some American Hordeum species than to the European Hordeum secalinum: a perspective based on the 5S DNA units (Triticeae: Poaceae).

7. The effect of crown position and tree age on resin-canal density in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles.

8. Ungulate damage on Scots pines in Mediterranean environments: effects of association with shrubs.

9. Poplar leaf rusts: model pathogens for a model tree.

10. The potential for ploidy level increases and decreases in Crataegus (Rosaceae, Spiraeoideae, tribe Pyreae).

11. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and sucrose concentrations on Arabidopsis thaliana root architecture and anatomy.

12. Differences in the responses of stem tissues of spring-type Brassica napus cultivars with polygenic resistance and single dominant gene-based resistance to inoculation with Leptosphaeria maculans.

13. Proglacial succession of biological soil crusts and vascular plants: biotic interactions in the High Arctic.

14. Basidiomycetous endophytes in jungermannialean (leafy) liverworts have novel cytology and species-specific host ranges: a cytological and experimental study.

15. Taxonomy and origin of present-day morphometric variation in Picea glauca (×engelmannii) seed-cone scales in North America.

16. Length–biomass allometry in primary producers: predominantly bidimensional seaweeds differ from the “universal” interspecific trend defined by microalgae and vascular plants.

17. Long-term climate and weather patterns in relation to crop yield: a minireview.

18. Genetic variation in fall cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir in western Oregon and Washington.

19. Possible roles for ethylene and gibberellin in the phenotypic plasticity of an alpine population of Stellaria longipes.

20. Two distinct fungi colonize roots and rhizomes of the myco-heterotrophic Afrothismia gesnerioides (Burmanniaceae).

21. A systems approach to understanding root development.

22. A new dieback disease of Acacia cyclops in South Africa caused by Pseudolagarobasidium acaciicola sp.nov.

23. Characterization of programmed cell death in the endosperm cells of tomato seed: two distinct death programs.

24. Changing spaces: the Arabidopsis mucilage secretory cells as a novel system to dissect cell wall production in differentiating cells.

25. Phylogenetic position of Arabis arenicola and generic limits of Aphragmus and Eutrema (Brassicaceae) based on sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA.

26. Contrasting terrestrial lichen, liverwort, and moss diversity between old-growth and young second-growth forest on two soil textures in central British Columbia.

27. The effects of fire and stand age on seedling establishment of Pulsatilla patens in a pine-dominated boreal forest.

28. Microfungal endophytes in roots.

29. Planktonic diatom communities in High Arctic lakes (Store Koldewey, Northeast Greenland).

30. Modern and Holocene stomate records of tree-line variations in northwestern Quebec.

31. Fast- and slow-growing subalpine fir produce lesions of different sizes in response to inoculation with a blue-stain fungus associated with Dryocoetes confusus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).

32. Imbibition response of green foxtail, canola, wild mustard, and wild oat seeds to different osmotic potentials.

33. Survival strategies of Silene tatarica (Caryophyllaceae) in riparian and ruderal habitats.

34. Analysis of diversity of natural populations and commercial lines of Echinacea using AFLP.

35. Plasmodesmata at the crossroads between development, dormancy, and defense.

36. Seasonal differences in plant responses to flooding and anoxia.

37. Novel variation in the floral development of two species of Parthenocissus.

38. The pattern of seed development and maturation in beach pea (Lathyrus maritimus).

39. Effects of achene dimorphism on dormancy and progeny traits in the two ephemerals Hedypnois cretica and Crepis aspera (Asteraceae).

40. Spectral reflectance characteristics of Pinus radiata needles affected by dothistroma needle blight.

41. Paired arbuscules in the Arum-type arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis with Linum usitatissimum.

42. Current insights into the development, structure, and chemistry of the endodermis and exodermis of roots.

43. Accuracy and precision of population estimates of Verticillium dahliae on growth media in quantitative soil assays.

44. Researching the green fuse: an historical memoir.

45. Flower mites and nectar production in six hummingbird-pollinated plants with contrasting flower longevities.

46. Leaf photosynthetic characteristics and net primary production of the polar willow (Salix polaris) in a high arctic polar semi-desert, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard.

47. Developmental morphology of normal and atypical flowers of Philodendron insigne (Araceae): a new case of homeosis.

48. Differential nectar production between male and female flowers in a wild cucurbit: Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana (Cucurbitaceae).

49. The role of epicormic shoot production in maintaining foliage in old Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) trees II. Basal reiteration from older branch axes.

50. Pyrophosphate-dependent fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase overexpression in transgenic tobacco: physiological and biochemical analysis of source and sink tissues.