Nos ultimos quinze anos, a precarizacao socioeconomica e um dos temas centrais no debate das ciencias sociais na Franca. A primeira parte deste trabalho enfoca o debate sobre a reestruturacao economica e sua incidencia sobre o mundo operario. A segunda propoe modelos interpretativos das causa da precarizacao socioeconomica a partir de uma reflexao sobre as transformacoes do trabalho. Tais transformacoes afetam alguns grupos particularmente vulneraveis: mulheres, jovens, imigrantes. A terceira parte e consagrada ao tratamento de tais grupos. Enfim, a questao da exclusao e dos efeitos da precarizacao sobre as praticas sociais fora do trabalho, assim como as repercussoes das transformacoes da vida cotidiana sobre a relacao do trabalhador com sua atividade profissional, serao tratadas na quarta parte. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Precarizacao, flexibilidade, intensificacao do trabalho, modos de vida, mobilizacao coletiva, o futuro do trabalho. LABOR, EXCLUSION AND SOCIOECONOMIC PRECARIZATION : social sciences debate in France Helena Hirata Edmond Preteceille For the last fifteen years, the social scinces debate in France has centered in socioeconomic precarization. The first part of the paper focus on the debate about the economic restructuring and its incidence on the world of labor; the second one proposes interpretative models for the socioeconomic precarization causes based on thoughts on labor transformations. The referred transformations affect some especially vulnerable groups: women, youths, and immigrants. The third part is dedicated to the form of dealing with these groups. Finally, the issue of exclusion and the effects of precarization on the social practices that are not inserted in the labor environment, as well as the repercussions of the daily life transformation on the relationship of the workers with their professional will be approached in the fourth part. KEY WORDS: Precarization, flexibility, labor intensification, ways of life, collective mobilization, the future of labor. Publicacao Online do Caderno CRH: