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1. Concomitants of Generalized Order Statistics from Bivariate Cambanis Family of Distributions Under a General Setting

2. Concomitants of Generalized Order Statistics from Huang–Kotz Farlie–Gumble–Morgenstern Bivariate Distribution: Some Information Measures

3. Strong Convergence Theorem on Split Equilibrium and Fixed Point Problems in Hilbert Spaces

4. On the Brush Number of the Cartesian Product of Tree with Path or Cycle

5. Boundary Layer Flow Over a Moving Vertical Flat Plate with Convective Thermal Boundary Condition

6. Time Decay Rates of the Micropolar Equations with Zero Angular Viscosity

7. Vanishing Theorems for Riemannian Manifolds with Nonnegative Scalar Curvature and Weighted p-Poincaré Inequality

8. Graphs over Graded Rings and Relation with Hamming Graph

9. Geometric Properties of the Products of Modified Bessel Functions of the First Kind

10. Euler-Genus Distributions of Cubic Caterpillar-Halin Graphs

11. On the Deformation Tensor Regularity for the Navier–Stokes Equations in Lorentz Spaces

12. On Gradient Shrinking Ricci Solitons with Radial Conditions

13. The Lifespan of Classical Solutions to the (Damped) Compressible Euler Equations

14. Blow-Up Phenomena of a Cancer Invasion Model with Nonlinear Diffusion and Haptotaxis Term

15. Planar Graphs Without Adjacent Cycles of Length at Most Five are (2, 0, 0)-Colorable

16. Split Common Fixed Point Problem for Quasi-Pseudo-Contractive Mapping in Hilbert Spaces

17. Equivalent Norms of $$cmo^{p}(\mathbb {R}^{n})$$ and Applications

18. The Schrödinger–Bopp–Podolsky Equation Under the Effect of Nonlinearities

19. One Parameter Family of Univalent Polyharmonic Mappings

20. Sign-Changing Solutions for Chern–Simons–Schrödinger Equations with Asymptotically 5-Linear Nonlinearity

21. Manufacturing Pairs of Woven Frames Applying Duality Principle on Hilbert Spaces

22. Constructions of K-g-Frames and Tight K-g-Frames in Hilbert Spaces

23. On a Differential Inclusion Involving Dirichlet–Laplace Operators of Fractional Orders

24. Explicit Formulas of Some Mixed Euler Sums via Alternating Multiple Zeta Values

25. Deviations for Martingale Convergence of a Branching Process with Random Index

26. Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Edge Coloring of Planar Graphs Without 4-Cycles

27. Iterated Integrals of Jacobi Polynomials

28. Global Well-Posedness of the Generalized Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations with Large Initial Data

29. Every Planar Graph Without 4-Cycles and 5-Cycles is (2, 6)-Colorable

30. Extinction and Decay Estimates of Solutions for a Non-Newton Polytropic Filtration System

31. Positive Solutions for a Class of Quasilinear Schrödinger Equations with Two Parameters

32. Berezin Number, Grüss-Type Inequalities and Their Applications

33. Every Planar Graph Without Pairwise Adjacent 3-, 4-, and 5-Cycle is DP-4-Colorable

34. Oscillation Properties for the Dirac Equation with Spectral Parameter in the Boundary Condition

35. Spherically Symmetric Solutions of the Full Compressible Euler Equations in $$R^N$$RN

36. Generic Submersions from Kaehler Manifolds

37. Parameter Continuation Method for Solving Nonlinear Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind

38. Inductive Formulas Related to Prime Partitions

39. The Investigation on Two Kinds of Nonlinear Matrix Equations

40. Some Inequalities Involving Fractional q-Derivatives Related to the q-Leibniz Rule

41. Multiplicity of Positive Solutions for Schrödinger–Poisson Systems with a Critical Nonlinearity in $$\mathbb {R}^3$$ R 3

42. Quasi-martingale Inequalities in Noncommutative Symmetric Spaces

43. A New CQ Algorithm for Solving Split Feasibility Problems in Hilbert Spaces

44. Preservers of Radial Unitary Similarity Functions on Jordan Semi-Triple Products of Self-Adjoint Operators

45. Strong Geodetic Problem in Grid-Like Architectures

46. B-Valued Martingale Hardy–Lorentz–Karamata Spaces

47. Existence of Nontrivial Solutions for Schrödinger–Poisson Systems with Critical Exponent on Bounded Domains

48. On Non-degenerate Null Normal Sections of Codimension Two Spacelike Surfaces

49. Multilinear Commutators of Singular Integral Operators in Variable Exponent Herz-Type Spaces

50. Asymptotic Behavior, Regularity Criterion and Global Existence for the Generalized Navier–Stokes Equations