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1. Limnological response to the Laacher See eruption (LSE) in an annually laminated Allerød sediment sequence from the Nahe palaeolake, northern Germany.

2. Spatial interpretation of high‐resolution environmental proxy data of the Middle Pleistocene Palaeolithic faunal kill site Schöningen 13 II‐4, Germany.

3. Holocene lake‐level evolution of Lake Tiefer See, NE Germany, caused by climate and land cover changes.

4. Aquatic and terrestrial proxy evidence for Middle Pleistocene palaeolake and lake‐shore development at two Lower Palaeolithic sites of Schöningen, Germany.

5. A chronological and palaeoenvironmental re‐evaluation of two loess‐palaeosol records in the northern Harz foreland, Germany, based on innovative modelling tools.

6. Advances in understanding calcite varve formation: new insights from a dual lake monitoring approach in the southern Baltic lowlands.

7. The Late Saalian Cyprina clay of northeastern Germany and the following Weichselian sedimentation and deformation history – Review and new data.

8. The Lateglacial to early Holocene tephrochronological record from Lake Hämelsee, Germany: a key site within the European tephra framework.

9. A multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental and geochronological reconstruction of the Saalian-Eemian-Weichselian succession at Klein Klütz Höved, NE Germany.

10. Stable isotopic evidence for Middle Pleistocene environmental change from a loess-paleosol sequence: Kärlich, Germany.