
Showing total 13 results
13 results

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1. Sensitivities of Colonies and Suspensions of Actinomyces Israelii to Penicillins, Tetracyclines, and Erythromycin

2. Controlled Comparison of Lymecycline with Tetracycline Hydrochloride in Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis

3. Pyogenic Infection of Liver Secondary to Infection in the Portal Drainage Area

4. Colonic Perforation after Exchange Transfusion

5. Rejection Processes in Human Homotransplanted Kidneys

6. Painful Dysphagia Due to Monilial Oesophagitis

7. Treatment of Bacillary Dysentery

8. Jaundice in Severe Infections

9. 'Colomycin'--Laboratory and Clinical Investigations

10. Transferable Drug Resistance in Enterobacteria Isolated from Urban Infants

11. Coincident Salmonella Infections and Ulcerative Colitis: Problems of Recognition and Management

12. Resistance of Haemophilus influenzae to Trimethoprim

13. Laboratory Aspects of Combined Antibiotic Treatment