
Showing total 18 results
18 results

Search Results

1. Infant feeding experiences among Indigenous communities in Canada, the United States, Australia, and Aotearoa: a scoping review of the qualitative literature.

2. Rural chronic disease research patterns in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand: a systematic integrative review.

3. The characteristics of behaviour change interventions used among Pacific people: a systematic search and narrative synthesis.

4. Lone parents, health, wellbeing and welfare to work: a systematic review of qualitative studies.

5. The study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a family-centred tobacco control program about environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) to reduce respiratory illness in Indigenous infants.

6. A scoping review of female drowning: an underexplored issue in five high-income countries.

7. Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a healthy relationship tool for men who use intimate partner violence (BETTER MAN).

8. Use of previous-day recalls of physical activity and sedentary behavior in epidemiologic studies: results from four instruments.

9. The effectiveness of health impact assessment in influencing decision-making in Australia and New Zealand 2005-2009.

10. Acute effects of reducing sitting time in adolescents: a randomized cross-over study.

11. In the interest of food safety: a qualitative study investigating communication and trust between food regulators and food industry in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

12. A cluster-randomised controlled trial to promote physical activity in adolescents: the Raising Awareness of Physical Activity (RAW-PA) Study.

13. Study protocol: combining experimental methods, econometrics and simulation modelling to determine price elasticities for studying food taxes and subsidies (The Price ExaM Study).

14. What makes health impact assessments successful? Factors contributing to effectiveness in Australia and New Zealand.

15. Exploring the burden of fatal drowning and data characteristics in three high income countries: Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

16. Evaluating OzHarvest's primary-school Food Education and Sustainability Training (FEAST) program in 10-12-year-old children in Australia: protocol for a pragmatic cluster non-randomized controlled trial.

17. The Be Our Ally Beat Smoking (BOABS) study, a randomised controlled trial of an intensive smoking cessation intervention in a remote aboriginal Australian health care setting.

18. Understanding resilience in same-sex parented families: the work, love, play study.