
Showing total 97 results
97 results

Search Results

1. Implementation and maintenance of patient navigation programs linking primary care with community-based health and social services: a scoping literature review.

2. From research to clinical practice: a systematic review of the implementation of psychological interventions for chronic headache in adults.

3. A framework for cross-cultural development and implementation of complex interventions to improve palliative care in nursing homes: the PACE steps to success programme.

4. Medicine and management in European hospitals: a comparative overview.

5. Institutional analysis of health promotion for older people in Europe - concept and research tool.

6. Differences between immigrant and non-immigrant groups in the use of primary medical care; a systematic review.

7. Transnationalism and care of migrant families during pregnancy, postpartum and early-childhood: an integrative review.

8. Creating performance intelligence for primary health care strengthening in Europe.

9. The involvement of medical doctors in hospital governance and implications for quality management: a quick scan in 19 and an in depth study in 7 OECD countries.

10. Assessing the performance of maternity care in Europe: a critical exploration of tools and indicators.

11. Empowering patients through eHealth: a case report of a pan-European project.

12. Economic evaluations in community aged care: a systematic review.

13. Comparing public and private providers: a scoping review of hospital services in Europe.

14. Informal care and gifts to and from older people in Europe: The interlinks between giving and receiving.

15. The Quality in Acute Stroke Care (QASC) global scale-up using a cascading facilitation framework: a qualitative process evaluation.

16. Overall satisfaction of health care users with the quality of and access to health care services: a cross-sectional study in six Central and Eastern European countries.

17. Untangling approaches to management and leadership across systems of medical education.

18. Introducing the chronic disease self-management program in Switzerland and other German-speaking countries: findings of a cross-border adaptation using a multiple-methods approach.

19. How should health service organizations respond to diversity? A content analysis of six approaches.

20. Advancing integrated care evaluation in shifting contexts: blending implementation research with case study design in project SUSTAIN.

21. Immigrant and ethnic minority patients' reported experiences in psychiatric care in Europe – a scoping review.

22. Home care in Europe: a systematic literature review.

23. Income development of General Practitioners in eight European countries from 1975 to 2005.

24. Hospital admission patterns subsequent to diagnosis of type 1diabetes in children : a systematic review.

25. Strengthening the evidence-base of integrated care for people with multi-morbidity in Europe using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA).

26. Ethnic minority women's experiences of accessing antenatal care in high income European countries: a systematic review.

27. Nurses' discursive construction of older adult immigrant patients in hospitals.

28. Predicting missed health care visits during the COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning methods: evidence from 55,500 individuals from 28 European countries.

29. Mental distress of physicians in the outpatient care throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: emotional and supportive human relations matter – Cross-sectional results of the VOICE-study.

30. Development of a benchmark tool for cancer centers; results from a pilot exercise.

31. Using a theory of change in monitoring, evaluating and steering scale-up of a district-level health management strengthening intervention in Ghana, Malawi, and Uganda - lessons from the PERFORM2Scale consortium.

32. National and transnational drug shortages: a quantitative descriptive study of public registers in Europe and the USA.

33. Market access agreements for pharmaceuticals in Europe: diversity of approaches and underlying concepts.

34. Guideline-based quality assurance: a conceptual framework for the definition of key elements.

35. Trends in the utilization of youth primary healthcare services and psychological distress.

36. The impact of accessibility and service quality on the frequency of patient visits to the primary diabetes care provider: results from a cross-sectional survey performed in six European countries.

37. The transfer of knowledge on integrated care among five European regions: a qualitative multi-method study.

38. Refugees' experiences of healthcare in the host country: a scoping review.

39. Declining amenable mortality: a reflection of health care systems?

40. Perspectives of policy and political decision makers on access to formal dementia care: expert interviews in eight European countries.

41. DEMDATA: The Austrian-Czech institutional long term care project - design and protocol of a two-centre cross sectional study.

42. Personalized medicine in Europe: not yet personal enough?

43. A comparison of generic drug prices in seven European countries: a methodological analysis.

44. Mobile radiography services in nursing homes: a systematic review of residents' and societal outcomes.

45. Changes over time in prescription practices of pain medications in Switzerland between 2006 and 2013: an analysis of insurance claims.

46. A descriptive survey study of violence management and priorities among psychiatric staff in mental health services, across seventeen european countries.

47. Reconfiguring health workforce: a casebased comparative study explaining the increasingly diverse professional roles in Europe.

48. Predictors of healthy ageing: public health policy targets.

49. A review of health promotion funding for older adults in Europe: a cross-country comparison.

50. Convergent validity of the interRAI-HC for societal costs estimates in comparison with the RUD Lite instrument in community dwelling older adults.