
Showing total 264 results
264 results

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1. Protein structure prediction based on particle swarm optimization and tabu search strategy

2. CMIC: an efficient quality score compressor with random access functionality

3. Spark-based parallel calculation of 3D fourier shell correlation for macromolecule structure local resolution estimation

4. Predicting synthetic lethal interactions in human cancers using graph regularized self-representative matrix factorization

5. Research on RNA secondary structure predicting via bidirectional recurrent neural network

6. Enhancing ontology-driven diagnostic reasoning with a symptom-dependency-aware Naïve Bayes classifier

7. Linking entities through an ontology using word embeddings and syntactic re-ranking

8. Coding Prony’s method in MATLAB and applying it to biomedical signal filtering

9. Juxtapose: a gene-embedding approach for comparing co-expression networks

10. PartSeg: a tool for quantitative feature extraction from 3D microscopy images for dummies

11. Application of artificial intelligence ensemble learning model in early prediction of atrial fibrillation

12. DSCMF: prediction of LncRNA-disease associations based on dual sparse collaborative matrix factorization

13. Prediction of heart disease and classifiers’ sensitivity analysis

14. Multimodal deep representation learning for protein interaction identification and protein family classification

15. ProbPFP: a multiple sequence alignment algorithm combining hidden Markov model optimized by particle swarm optimization with partition function

16. Using deep reinforcement learning to speed up collective cell migration

17. Heterogeneous computing for epidemiological model fitting and simulation

18. A comparison of graph- and kernel-based –omics data integration algorithms for classifying complex traits

19. DCJ-RNA - double cut and join for RNA secondary structures

20. MIC_Locator: a novel image-based protein subcellular location multi-label prediction model based on multi-scale monogenic signal representation and intensity encoding strategy

21. CLoDSA: a tool for augmentation in classification, localization, detection, semantic segmentation and instance segmentation tasks

22. String correction using the Damerau-Levenshtein distance

23. High throughput automatic muscle image segmentation using parallel framework

24. IMOS: improved Meta-aligner and Minimap2 On Spark

25. On the rank-distance median of 3 permutations

26. A two-tiered unsupervised clustering approach for drug repositioning through heterogeneous data integration

27. Prioritizing biological pathways by recognizing context in time-series gene expression data

28. Geena 2, improved automated analysis of MALDI/TOF mass spectra

29. EC: an efficient error correction algorithm for short reads

30. Confident difference criterion: a new Bayesian differentially expressed gene selection algorithm with applications

31. Predicting Ca2+ and Mg2+ ligand binding sites by deep neural network algorithm

32. Protein complexes detection based on node local properties and gene expression in PPI weighted networks

33. Gene prediction of aging-related diseases based on DNN and Mashup

34. Emulating complex simulations by machine learning methods

35. Bipartite graph-based collaborative matrix factorization method for predicting miRNA-disease associations

36. Employing phylogenetic tree shape statistics to resolve the underlying host population structure

37. Improve hot region prediction by analyzing different machine learning algorithms

38. Protein function annotation based on heterogeneous biological networks

39. SparkEC: speeding up alignment-based DNA error correction tools

40. SWAP-Assembler: scalable and efficient genome assembly towards thousands of cores

41. Ensemble analysis of adaptive compressed genome sequencing strategies

42. Identifying homogeneous subgroups of patients and important features: a topological machine learning approach

43. Deconvolution of tumor composition using partially available DNA methylation data

44. Identifying essential proteins from protein-protein interaction networks based on influence maximization

45. A novel biomarker selection method combining graph neural network and gene relationships applied to microarray data

46. Reconstructing gene regulatory networks of biological function using differential equations of multilayer perceptrons

47. A multi-task CNN learning model for taxonomic assignment of human viruses

48. Boosting scRNA-seq data clustering by cluster-aware feature weighting

49. SSBER: removing batch effect for single-cell RNA sequencing data

50. A novel essential protein identification method based on PPI networks and gene expression data