
Showing total 494 results
494 results

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1. Tensor product algorithms for inference of contact network from epidemiological data.

2. AFITbin: a metagenomic contig binning method using aggregate l-mer frequency based on initial and terminal nucleotides.

3. PyMulSim: a method for computing node similarities between multilayer networks via graph isomorphism networks.

4. Integrating transformers and many-objective optimization for drug design.

5. Noisecut: a python package for noise-tolerant classification of binary data using prior knowledge integration and max-cut solutions.

6. Biomedical semantic text summarizer.

7. Deep self-supervised machine learning algorithms with a novel feature elimination and selection approaches for blood test-based multi-dimensional health risks classification.

8. Fractal feature selection model for enhancing high-dimensional biological problems.

9. Multilayer network alignment based on topological assessment via embeddings.

10. PerFSeeB: designing long high-weight single spaced seeds for full sensitivity alignment with a given number of mismatches.

11. Study of the error correction capability of multiple sequence alignment algorithm (MAFFT) in DNA storage.

12. A robust approach to 3D neuron shape representation for quantification and classification.

13. MOKPE: drug-target interaction prediction via manifold optimization based kernel preserving embedding.

14. Gene regulatory network inference based on a nonhomogeneous dynamic Bayesian network model with an improved Markov Monte Carlo sampling.

15. Automatic block-wise genotype-phenotype association detection based on hidden Markov model.

16. A two-stage hybrid biomarker selection method based on ensemble filter and binary differential evolution incorporating binary African vultures optimization.

17. Sparse clusterability: testing for cluster structure in high dimensions.

18. EnsInfer: a simple ensemble approach to network inference outperforms any single method.

19. Reconstructing gene regulatory networks of biological function using differential equations of multilayer perceptrons.

20. Protein function annotation based on heterogeneous biological networks.

21. A multilayer dynamic perturbation analysis method for predicting ligand-protein interactions.

22. GMMchi: gene expression clustering using Gaussian mixture modeling.

23. Protein structure prediction based on particle swarm optimization and tabu search strategy.

24. Learning to detect boundary information for brain image segmentation.

25. A novel biomarker selection method combining graph neural network and gene relationships applied to microarray data.

26. A novel multiple kernel fuzzy topic modeling technique for biomedical data.

27. Comprehensive study of semi-supervised learning for DNA methylation-based supervised classification of central nervous system tumors.

28. A tensor-based bi-random walks model for protein function prediction.

29. FragGeneScanRs: faster gene prediction for short reads.

30. CNN-DDI: a learning-based method for predicting drug-drug interactions using convolution neural networks.

31. Automated recognition and analysis of head thrashes behavior in C. elegans.

32. RNA secondary structure prediction with convolutional neural networks.

33. Predicting Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ ligand binding sites by deep neural network algorithm.

34. Regional registration of whole slide image stacks containing major histological artifacts.

35. Small protein complex prediction algorithm based on protein–protein interaction network segmentation.

36. A binary biclustering algorithm based on the adjacency difference matrix for gene expression data analysis.

37. Drug-target interaction prediction using unifying of graph regularized nuclear norm with bilinear factorization.

38. Improve hot region prediction by analyzing different machine learning algorithms.

39. FoldHSphere: deep hyperspherical embeddings for protein fold recognition.

40. Using sound to understand protein sequence data: new sonification algorithms for protein sequences and multiple sequence alignments.

41. Identifying homogeneous subgroups of patients and important features: a topological machine learning approach.

42. Hypergraph models of biological networks to identify genes critical to pathogenic viral response.

43. SSBER: removing batch effect for single-cell RNA sequencing data.

44. A new Bayesian piecewise linear regression model for dynamic network reconstruction.

45. String correction using the Damerau-Levenshtein distance.

46. CAT: computer aided triage improving upon the Bayes risk through ε-refusal triage rules.

47. A new algorithm to train hidden Markov models for biological sequences with partial labels.

48. Malaria parasite detection in thick blood smear microscopic images using modified YOLOV3 and YOLOV4 models.

49. Design of lung nodules segmentation and recognition algorithm based on deep learning.

50. TPSC: a module detection method based on topology potential and spectral clustering in weighted networks and its application in gene co-expression module discovery.