In standard steady-state fluorescence anisotropy (FA) DNA-based assays, the ligand binding to a given receptor is typically signalled by the rotational correlation time changes of the tracer. Herein, we report a radically different strategy that relies on the peculiar excited state lifetime features of the SYBR Green (SG) dye. This DNA-binding probe exhibits a drastically short lifetime in solution, leading to a high FA signal. Its complexation to oligonucleotides determines a singular and very large depolarization depending on the concerted effects of extreme lifetime enhancement and resonance energy homotransfer. On the basis of ligand-induced changes in the molar fractions of bound and free forms of SG, the approach provides an unprecedented means for the FA monitoring of the ligand binding to short DNA molecules, allowing the elaboration of a variety of intercalator displacement assays and label-free biosensors that involve diverse DNA structures (duplex, hairpin, G-quadruplex and single-stranded), ligand types (ion, small organic molecule and protein) and binding modes (intercalation, minor groove, allosteric switch). These findings open up promising avenues in the design of a new generation of FA assays.