This paper presents three species harvesting model in which there is one predator species and two others are prey species. We derive boundedness and equilibrium point for this system. Also we derive the stability of this system analytically. We find bifurcation for this system. We have derived the binomic equilibrium point by using Pontryagin's maximum principle (PMP). Presented are various suitable analytical and numerical examples with Maple 18 programming. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
This paper presents the nonlinear dynamics of a one-prey and one-predator harvesting model with precise in nature as well as imprecise in biological phenomena parameters. We derived the conditions for boundedness, the equilibrium point, and stability analysis. Both precise and imprecise models showed stable, unstable, and saddle-point states. The stability analysis revealed the existence of biological and bionomic equilibria. In this study, we found the optimal harvesting policy for both prey and predator species. Finally, numerical experiments were performed with various parameter values to observe the variation of equilibrium states. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]