1. Eutypa dieback of grapevine
- Author
Živković, Sanja, Živković, Sanja, Bulajić, Aleksandra, Vasić, Tanja, Ivanović, Milan, Živković, Sanja, Živković, Sanja, Bulajić, Aleksandra, Vasić, Tanja, and Ivanović, Milan
- Abstract
The eutypa dieback of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.), caused by phytopathogenic fungus Eutypa lata, is one of the most severe diseases of trunk and other woody tissues of grapevine in the world. This disease, also known as the grapevine eutyposis, significantly reduces yield and quality of grapes, but primarily reduces the life span of the vines, causing partial or complete dying of grapevine. During 2004-2012, symptoms of dieback of grapevine were observed in Serbia and E. lata presence was confirmed by conventional and molecular identification methods. Symptoms first appear in the form of tiny, chlorotic and necrotic spots on the periphery of the leaf, followed by deformation of the leaves and the appearance of shortened shoots, often with the so-called zigzag growth of internodes. Subsequently, partial or complete dying of the grapevine occurs. The causal agent of eutypa dieback is E. lata - a vascular pathogen from the Diatrypaceae family. The infection occurs when ascospores reach fresh wounds formed by pruning, and in the presence of water droplets penetrate into the vascular tissue. Wounds are particularly sensitive immediately after pruning, although infections can occur seven weeks after the pruning. Eutyposis disease control requires integration of several different control measures. When pruning the grapevine, large scale wounding should be avoided. Pruned parts from diseased plants should be taken out of the vineyard and burned. If the symptoms are present, but the disease has not spread to the whole vine, the infected tissue should be pruned off together with at least 10 cm of healthy tissue. Fresh cuts should be preferably coated with fungicides such as thiophanate-methyl, pyraclostrobin or tebuconazole. In USA, paste with 5% (w/w) boric acid is successfully used for the coating of wounds. It is especially important to protect cuts during the restoration of grapevines or grafting grapevine on the two-year-old and the older grapevine, as well as in the l
- Published
- 2018