1. Artistic expression in children with mild intellectual disability in terms of calendar age
- Author
Gagić, Sanja, Gagić, Sanja, Japundža-Milisavljević, Mirjana, Đurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra, Gagić, Sanja, Gagić, Sanja, Japundža-Milisavljević, Mirjana, and Đurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra
- Abstract
Drawings made by children with mild intellectual disability (MID), as well as drawings made by children from the typical population, grow more detailed and complete with age, which may be the result of experience that comes with time, but might as well be the consequence of schooling. The aim of this research is to determine the difference in quality of drawings made by children with MID with reference to their calendar age. The sample of students involves 69 subjects, both sexes, calendar age between 8 and 16, attending school grades I through VIII. The study used drawing on the topic 'Peculiar flower', constructed specifically for the purpose of this research A professor of methods of art teaching and a defectologist graded on the scale from 1 to 5 the following aspects of the drawings: the use of color, proportion, shapes and spatial distribution. Statistically significant difference has been observed in the quality of drawings made by subjects from different age groups. It was also determined that the quality of shapes depicted in the drawings made by older subjects was higher than those in the drawings made by younger children. The results obtained indicate the need for stimulating sensitivity to color in the course of art lessons for children of younger and older age, as well as developing the ability to manage shapes that are presented in space, and influencing the ability of exploring proportions, sizes and textures through various lines, shapes and colors., Crteži dece s lakom intelektualnom ometenošću (LIO), kao i crteži dece tipične populacije, sa uzrastom postaju potpuniji i detaljniji, što može biti posledica iskustva koje dolazi sa godinama, ali može biti i posledica uticaja nastave. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi razlika u kvalitetu crteža dece s LIO u odnosu na kalendarski uzrast. Uzorak učenika istraživanja uključuje 69 ispitanika, oba pola, kalendarskog uzrasta od 8 do 16 godina, školskog uzrasta od I do VIII razreda. U istraživanju je korišćen crtež na šemu 'Neobičan cvet', konstruisan posebno za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Profesor metodike nastave likovne kulture i defektolog su vrednovali na skali od 1 do 5 sledeće aspekte crteža: upotrebu boje, proporciju, oblike i prostorni raspored. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u kvalitetu crteža među ispitanicima različitih uzrasnih grupa. Takođe, utvrđeno je da je kvalitet oblika prikazanih na crtežima starijih ispitanika viši od kvaliteta oblika mlađe dece. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu da je u nastavi likovne kulture, kod dece i mlađeg i starijeg uzrasta, neophodno kroz različite primere iz okružena stimulisati osetljivost za boje, razvijati sposobnost sređivana oblika koji se predstavljaju u prostoru, kao i da se utiče na sposobnost izražavanja proporcija, veličina i tekstura različitim linijama, oblicima i bojama.
- Published
- 2013