
Showing total 23 results
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1. Retrospective monitoring of rangeland vegetation change: ecohistory from deposits of sheep dung associated with shearing sheds.

2. Does spatial scale affect the pattern of mangrove change under different rainfall regimes? An example in southeast Queensland, Australia.

3. Impact of storm-burning on Melaleuca viridiflora invasion of grasslands and grassy woodlands on Cape York Peninsula, Australia.

4. Using multitemporal digital elevation model data for detecting canopy gaps in tropical forests due to cyclone damage: An initial assessment.

5. Species distribution modelling of the endangered Mahogany Glider (Petaurus gracilis) reveals key areas for targeted survey and conservation.

6. Optimising camera trap surveys for the Carpentarian Pseudantechinus (Pseudantechinus mimulus) in northwest Queensland.

7. Wind dispersal of seeds of Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae) contributes to its steady invasion and spread.

8. Exotic vine invasions following cyclone disturbance in Australian Wet Tropics rainforests: A review.

9. Alien and native plant seed dispersal by vehicles.

10. Plant functional traits explain interspecific differences in immediate cyclone damage to trees of an endangered rainforest community in north Queensland.

11. Impacts of changed fire regimes on tropical riparian vegetation invaded by an exotic vine.

12. Ant mosaics in a tropical rainforest in Australia and elsewhere: A critical review.

13. Vertical stratification of feeding guilds and body size in beetle assemblages from an Australian tropical rainforest.

14. Assessing the above-ground biomass of a complex tropical rainforest using a canopy crane.

15. Temporal and spatial variation in an Australian tropical rainforest.

16. Roost tree characteristics determine use by the white-striped freetail bat ( Tadarida australis, Chiroptera: Molossidae) in suburban subtropical Brisbane, Australia.

17. Adult free zones in small mammal populations: response of Australian native rodents to reduced cover.

18. Patch dynamics in grazed subtropical native pastures in south-east Queensland.

19. Fire frequency and time-since-fire effects on the open-forest and woodland flora of Girraween National Park, south-east Queensland, Australia.

20. Vegetation indicators of salinity in northern Queensland.

21. Response of ant and terrestrial spider assemblages to pastoral and military land use, and to landscape position, in a tropical savanna woodland in northern Australia.

22. Sensitivity of tropical forests to climate change in the humid tropics of north Queensland.

23. Editorial: Dynamics and processes in the canopy of an Australian tropical rainforest.