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1. Quantifying shifts in topic popularity over 44 years of Austral Ecology.

2. Raw data graphing: an informative but under-utilized tool for the analysis of multivariate abundances.

3. The ecology and management of environmental weeds: foreword.

4. Contemplating the future: Acting now on long-term monitoring to answer 2050's questions.

5. The big ecological questions inhibiting effective environmental management in Australia.

6. Landscape ecology of the burrowing bettong: Warren distribution and patch dynamics in semiarid eastern Australia.

7. Role of nurse plants in Araucaria Forest expansion over grassland in south Brazil.

8. Ecotone delimitation: Epigean–hypogean transition in cave ecosystems.

9. Characteristics of Australia's rangelands and key design issues for monitoring biodiversity.

10. Processes involved in species saturation of ground-dwelling ant communities (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).

11. A new method for non-parametric multivariate analysis of variance.

12. Understanding the toad code: Behavioural responses of cane toad ( Chaunus marinus) larvae and metamorphs to chemical cues.

13. Genetic and environmental factors in the trade‐off between sexual and asexual reproduction of a rare clonal angiosperm.

15. Size or quality. What matters in vegetation restoration for bird biodiversity in endangered temperate woodlands?

16. On pessimism in Australian ecology.

17. Movement and egg laying in Monarchs: To move or not to move, that is the equation.

18. Convergent grazing responses of different-sized ungulates to low forage quality in a wet savanna.

19. Stocks and dynamics of carbon in trees across a rainfall gradient in a tropical savanna.

20. Fine-scale impacts on avian biodiversity due to a despotic species, the bell miner ( M anorina melanophrys).

21. Spatial and temporal determinants of golden sun moth S ynemon plana distribution.

22. Using ecological attributes as criteria for the selection of plant species under three restoration scenarios.

23. Do alien and native tree species from Central Argentina differ in their water transport strategy?

24. A low-cost, yet simple and highly repeatable system for acoustically surveying cryptic species.

26. Metabolomics and its use in ecology.

27. Ecological impacts of invasive African olive ( Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata) in Cumberland Plain Woodland, Sydney, Australia.

28. Connectivity and patch area in a coastal marine landscape: Disentangling their influence on local species richness and composition.

29. Too big for his boots: Are social costs keeping condition-dependent status signalling honest in an Australian lizard?

30. Ecophysiology of Eucalyptus marginata and Corymbia calophylla in decline in an urban parkland.

31. Spatial distribution of communal nests in a colonial breeding bird: benefits without costs?

32. Visible and invisible effects of hurricanes on forest ecosystems: an international review.

33. Haematozoa in forest birds from southern Chile: Latitudinal gradients in prevalence and parasite lineage richness.

34. Chemical mediation of reciprocal mother–offspring recognition in the Southern Water Skink ( Eulamprus heatwolei).

35. Canopy effects of the invasive shrub Pyracantha angustifolia on seed bank composition, richness and density in a montane shrubland (Córdoba, Argentina).

36. Patterns and mechanisms of masting in the large-seeded southern hemisphere conifer Araucaria araucana.

37. Effect of additional food and water on house mice in a semi-arid agricultural environment in Australia.

38. Fire frequency regulates tussock grass composition, structure and resilience in endangered temperate woodlands.

39. What limits a rare alpine plant species? Comparative demography of three endemic species of Myosotis (Boraginaceae).

40. Tropical rainforest canopies and climate change.

41. High Nothofagusflower consumption and pollen emptying in the southern South American austral parakeet ( Enicognathus ferrugineus).

42. Ecological contrasts across an Antarctic land–sea interface.

43. Interactive influences of fire intensity and vertical distribution of seed banks on post-fire recolonization of a tall-tussock grassland in Argentina.

44. Age- and sex-related differences in the spatial ecology of a dichromatic tropical python ( Morelia viridis).

45. Application and evaluation of classification trees for screening unwanted plants.

46. Beetle species’ responses suggest that microclimate mediates fragmentation effects in tropical Australian rainforest.

47. Testing the resource-matching hypothesis in the mast seeding tree Nothofagus truncata (Fagaceae).

48. Scaling-up from leaf to canopy-aggregate properties in sclerophyll shrub species.

49. Detecting climate change induced range shifts: Where and how should we be looking?

50. Rain, rats and pythons: Climate-driven population dynamics of predators and prey in tropical Australia.