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151. Lake Surface Temperature Retrieval Study Based on Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery—A Case Study of Poyang Lake.

152. Analysis of the Influencing Factors and Sources of Brown Carbon Light Absorption in a Typical Megacity of the Yangtze River Delta, China.

153. Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics and Inventory Analysis of Near-Road Traffic Pollution in Urban Areas.

154. A Numerical Study of Clear-Air Turbulence over North China on 6 June 2017.

155. Emissions and Atmospheric Dry and Wet Deposition of Trace Metals from Natural and Anthropogenic Sources in Mainland China.

156. Quantifying High-Temperature and Drought Stress Effects on Soybean Growth and Yield in the Western Guanzhong Plain.

157. Equivalent Black Carbon Aerosol Properties and Their Relationship with the Heating Season in Urban Environments.

158. Driving Factors of Energy Consumption in the Developed Regions of Developing Countries: A Case of Zhejiang Province, China.

159. Effects of Agricultural Biomass Burning on Regional Haze in China: A Review.

160. Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Ozone Pollution in Demonstration Zone of the Yangtze River Delta, China.

161. Improved Ionospheric Total Electron Content Maps over China Using Spatial Gridding Approach.

162. Evaluation of Two Momentum Control Variable Schemes in Radar Data Assimilation and Their Impact on the Analysis and Forecast of a Snowfall Case in Central and Eastern China.

163. Variation in Water Deficit and Its Association with Climate Indices in Weihe River Basin, China.

164. Effects of Orography on the High-Temperature Event on 22 June 2023 in North China.

165. Hydroclimate Changes Based on Testate Amoebae in the Greater Khingan Mountains' Peatland (NE China) during the Last Millennium.

166. Comparison of Different Impact Factors and Spatial Scales in PM 2.5 Variation.

167. Analysis of Primary Air Pollutants' Spatiotemporal Distributions Based on Satellite Imagery and Machine-Learning Techniques.

168. The Lower Atmospheric Characteristics of Dust Storms Using Ground-Based Sensor Data: A Comparative Analysis of Two Cases in Jinan, China.

169. Influence of Wind Flows on Surface O 3 Variation over a Coastal Province in Southeast China.

170. Interaction between the Westerlies and Asian Monsoons in the Middle Latitudes of China: Review and Prospect.

171. Improvement of Stable Atmospheric Boundary Simulation with High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Nudging over the North China Plain.

172. Exploring the Interactive Influences of Climate Change and Urban Development on the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation.

173. Comparison of Cold Pool Characteristics of Two Distinct Gust Fronts over Bohai Sea Bay in China.

174. Sensitivity of the Land–Atmosphere Coupling to Soil Moisture Anomalies during the Warm Season in China and its Surrounding Areas.

175. Gridded Assessment of Mainland China's Solar Energy Resources Using the Typical Meteorological Year Method and China Meteorological Forcing Dataset.

176. Extended-Range Forecast of Winter Rainfall in the Yangtze River Delta Based on Intra-Seasonal Oscillation of Atmospheric Circulations.

177. Study on the Emission Characteristics of Typical City Buses under Actual Road Conditions.

178. Improvement of PM 2.5 Forecast in China by Ground-Based Multi-Pollutant Emission Source Inversion in 2022.

179. Interannual Variation in Mainland China's Atmosphere Clearness Index Associated with El Niño–Southern Oscillation.

180. Quantifying Contributions of Factors and Their Interactions to Aerosol Acidity with a Multiple-Linear-Regression-Based Framework: A Case Study in the Pearl River Delta, China.

181. Characteristics and Sensitivity Analysis of Ozone Pollution in a Typical Inland City in China.

182. Basin-Scale Daily Drought Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networks in Fenhe River Basin, China.

183. Connecting Global Modes of Variability to Climate in High Mountain Asia.

184. Causes Investigation of PM 2.5 and O 3 Complex Pollution in a Typical Coastal City in the Bohai Bay Region of China in Autumn: Based on One-Month Continuous Intensive Observation and Model Simulation.

185. Influencing Mechanism of Tidal Disasters on Locust Breeding Area Evolution in the Eastern Coastal Area of China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

186. Factors Influencing the Spatio–Temporal Variability of Aerosol Optical Depth over the Arid Region of Northwest China.

187. Investigating the Effect of Climate Change on Drought Propagation in the Tarim River Basin Using Multi-Model Ensemble Projections.

188. Application of Trigonometric Polynomial Fitting Method in Simulating the Spatial Distribution of PM 2.5 Concentration in South-Central China.

189. Evaluation of Freeze–Thaw Erosion Intensity in the Ecological Function Reserve of the Greater Hinggan Mountains Based on Geographic Information Systems and a Geographic Detector.

190. High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Estimation of Ground-Level Ozone in China Based on Machine Learning.

191. A Generalization of Building Clusters in an Urban Wind Field Simulated by CFD.

192. Performance Assessment of GSMaP and GPM IMERG Products during Typhoon Mangkhut.

193. Multi-Scale Observations of Atmosphere Environment and Aerosol Properties over North China during APEC Meeting Periods.

194. Research on the Coupling Coordination Relationship between Urbanization and the Air Environment: A Case Study of the Area of Wuhan.

195. Statistical Learning of the Worst Regional Smog Extremes with Dynamic Conditional Modeling.

196. Regional Interactions in Social Responses to Extreme Climate Events: A Case Study of the North China Famine of 1876–1879.

197. The Effect of Greening Layout on Microclimate in Urban Residential Areas in Hot Summer–Cold Winter Zones.

198. Study on Seasonal Characteristics and Causes of Marine Heatwaves in the South China Sea over Nearly 30 Years.

199. Calibration of the Ångström–Prescott Model for Accurately Estimating Solar Radiation Spatial Distribution in Areas with Few Global Solar Radiation Stations: A Case Study of the China Tropical Zone.

200. The Causes and Forecasting of Icing Events on Power Transmission Lines in Southern China: A Review and Perspective.