Chen Hao Chiang, M.D., Leo Shaw, M.D., Wei Hsing Chih, M.D., Ming Long Yeh, Ph.D., and Wei Ren Su, M.D., M.Sc.
In large or massive rotator cuff tears, successful repairs are difficult and complication rates are high, because the torn tendon is contracted and the superior capsule is disrupted. Recent studies have shown that superior capsule reconstruction (SCR) in massive irreparable rotator cuff tears results in better clinical scores and preserves stable glenohumeral stability without significant complications. In this article, we propose a simple, efficient SCR technique to reinforce the repair of large or massive rotator cuff tears. For this technique, the long head of the biceps tendon is used as a local autograft for the SCR, therefore eliminating comorbidities related to graft harvesting. The proximal part of the long head of the biceps tendon is transposed posteriorly and fixed onto the footprint as the SCR, which not only can maintain the stability of the glenohumeral joint, but also can preserve the vascular supply to help healing.