
Showing total 11 results
11 results

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1. Exploring spatiotemporal variations in public library provision following a prolonged period of economic austerity: A GIS approach.

2. Surprise! Public historical geographies, user engagement and voluntarism.

3. Natural Flood Management: Beyond the evidence debate.

4. Unravelling perceptions of Eurasian beaver reintroduction in Great Britain.

5. Clustering and the spatial distribution of organic farming in England and Wales.

6. Ethnic migration between area groups in England and Wales.

7. A comfortable night out? Alcohol, drunkenness and inclusive town centres.

8. Dispelling a myth? Second homes in rural Wales.

9. A century of inequality in England and Wales using standardized geographical units.

10. A rationale for beach selection by the public on the coast of Wales, UK.

11. The diversity of diversity: a critique of geodemographic classification.