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1. Counterexample to the paper 'On the Gorenstein injective dimension and Bass formula'

2. Generalization of the $${\varvec{lq}}$$lq-modular closure theorem and applications

3. The lattices of invariant subspaces of a class of operators on the Hardy space

4. The split common null point problem in Banach spaces

5. On the conjugacy of nilpotent injectors in finite groups

6. Notes on entire functions sharing an entire function of a smaller order with their difference operators

7. The automorphism group of a split metacyclic 2-group and some groups of crossed homomorphisms

8. The minimal positive integer represented by a positive definite quadratic form

9. Dual properties in totally bounded Abelian groups

10. Ring extensions, injective covers and envelopes

11. Numerical semigroups which cannot be realized as semigroups of Galois Weierstrass points

12. Module structure of the free Lie ring on three generators

13. The homological quadratic form of a biextension algebra

14. Counterexamples concerning sectorial operators

15. Projections in normed linear spaces and sufficient enlargements

16. Tartar’s method for the Riesz–Thorin interpolation theorem

17. Erratum to: A monotonicity result for discrete fractional difference operators

18. Relating composition operators on different weighted Hardy spaces

19. Galois groups over $$cQ$$ of some iterated polynomials

20. On sylowizers in finite groups proposed by Wolfgang Gaschütz

21. Arithmetic functions and the Cauchy product

22. On fundamental units of real quadratic fields of class number 1

23. Strict comparison theorems under sublinear expectations

24. On functional equations for meromorphic functions and applications

25. On the reflexivity of $$\mathcal {P}_{w}(^{n}E;F)$$ P w ( n E ; F )

26. Weakly mixing property and chaos

27. On discrete universality of the Riemann zeta-function with respect to uniformly distributed shifts

28. Disposition p-groups

29. A note on uncountable groups with modular subgroup lattice

30. On restricted sum formulas for multiple zeta values with even arguments

31. Sharp weighted bounds for the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operators on Musielak–Orlicz spaces

32. A note on the distribution of the digits in Cantor expansions

33. Sums of fractions modulo p

34. Frobenius $${\mathbb{Q}_1}$$ Q 1 -groups

35. Bounds for counter-examples to addition theorems in solvable groups

36. Relative normal complements and extendibility of characters

37. Perturbations of invariant subspaces of operators with Hilbert–Schmidt Hermitian components

38. A field theoretic proof of Hermite’s theorem for function fields

39. Minimal indices of pure cubic fields

40. On the structure of long zero-sum free sequences and n-zero-sum free sequences over finite cyclic groups

41. A fixed point theorem for positive strict set-contractions mappings and its application to Urysohn type integral equations

42. A homological view on rings with flat injective hulls

43. Gap sequences of self-conformal sets

44. The Erdős–Ginzburg–Ziv theorem for finite nilpotent groups

45. Joint discrete universality of Dirichlet L-functions

46. Hyperelliptic curves among cyclic coverings of the projective line, II

47. Quasisymmetrically thick generalized-Cantor sets in $${\mathbb{R}}$$ R

48. On the distribution of square-full numbers in arithmetic progressions

49. Lower bounds on the number of maximal subgroups in a finite group

50. New results related to a conjecture of Moore