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1. The Cauchy problem for the energy-critical inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equation

2. More about singular traces on simply generated operator ideals

3. Vector-valued q-variational inequalities for averaging operators and the Hilbert transform

4. The lattices of invariant subspaces of a class of operators on the Hardy space

5. The joint value distribution of the Riemann zeta function and Hurwitz zeta functions II

6. On the role of arbitrary order Bessel functions in higher dimensional Dirac type equations

7. On the Fourier transform of SO(d)-finite measures on the unit sphere

8. Some remarks on small values of $$\tau (n)$$

9. Verhalten der Cauchy-Transformation und der Hilbert-Transformation f�r auf dem Einheitskreis stetige Funktionen

10. Counterexamples concerning sectorial operators

11. Relating composition operators on different weighted Hardy spaces

12. A note on compactness theorems for the Bakry–Émery Ricci tensor and generalized quasi-Einstein tensors

13. The arithmetic-geometric mean inequality of indefinite type

14. Semisimple classes of hypernilpotent and hyperconstant near-ring radicals

15. Essential norms of some singular integral operators

16. On the integrability of the wave propagator arising from the Liouville–von Neumann equation

17. An extension of the Cameron–Martin translation theorem via Fourier–Hermite functionals

18. A note on the A-numerical radius of operators in semi-Hilbert spaces

19. Besse conjecture for compact manifolds with pinched curvature

20. An application of the curve shortening flow on surfaces

21. Arithmetic functions and the Cauchy product

22. On conjectures regarding the Nekrasov–Okounkov hook length formula

23. Hypercyclic composition operators on the $$S^p $$ S p space with automorphism symbols

24. The eventual index of reducibility of parameter ideals and the sequentially Cohen–Macaulay property

25. Quasi-linear Schrödinger–Poisson system under an exponential critical nonlinearity: existence and asymptotic behaviour of solutions

26. Conley conjecture and local Floer homology

27. The invariant subspaces of the shift plus integer multiple of the Volterra operator on Hardy spaces

28. Li–Yorke chaos translation set for linear operators

29. Convergence of powers of composition operators on certain spaces of holomorphic functions defined on the right half plane

30. Riemann surfaces defined over the reals

31. On the image, characterization, and automatic continuity of $$\varvec{(\sigma }, \varvec{\tau }$$ ( σ , τ )-derivations

32. Rigidity of complete manifolds with parallel Cotton tensor

33. On discrete universality of the Riemann zeta-function with respect to uniformly distributed shifts

34. Existence and stability results for the planar Schrödinger-Poisson system

35. On the conformal mappings in the unit disk fixing arbitrarily many boundary points

36. On restricted sum formulas for multiple zeta values with even arguments

37. On evolution equations governed by non-autonomous forms

38. Topological structure of the space of composition operators on $${\mathcal{H}^{\infty}}$$ H ∞ of Dirichlet series

39. Perturbations of invariant subspaces of operators with Hilbert–Schmidt Hermitian components

40. A field theoretic proof of Hermite’s theorem for function fields

41. Maximal regularity for non-autonomous evolution equations governed by forms having less regularity

42. Sharp L 1-Poincaré inequalities correspond to optimal hypersurface cuts

43. Cowling–Price’s and Hardy’s uncertainty Principles for the generalized Fourier transform associated to a Cherednik type operator on the real line

44. Rigidity of cmc surfaces in the Berger sphere

45. Joint discrete universality of Dirichlet L-functions

46. Carnot–Carathéodory metrics in unbounded subdomains of $${{\mathbb{C}}^2}$$ C 2

47. A problem of Carlitz and its generalizations

48. Affine cellular algebras and Morita equivalences

49. Harmonic forms on manifolds with non-negative Bakry–Émery–Ricci curvature

50. On the distribution of square-full numbers in arithmetic progressions