
Showing total 9 results
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1. Disability retirement and unemployment--substitute pathways for labour force exit? An empirical test for the case of Germany.

2. Tradable and nontradable directed technical change.

3. Sources of fluctuations in hours worked for Canada, Germany, Japan and the U.S.: a sign restriction VAR approach.

4. Long-term unemployment and labour force participation: a decomposition of unemployment to test for the discouragement and added worker hypotheses.

5. For better or for worse: the long-term effects of postwar mobilization on family formation.

6. Effectiveness of One-Euro-Jobs: do programme characteristics matter?

7. Assessing the employment effects of the German welfare reform - an integrated CGE-microsimulation approach.

8. Large sport events and unemployment: the case of the 2006 soccer World Cup in Germany.

9. Taxes, female labour supply and household income: differences between the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany.