
Showing total 13 results
13 results

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1. The effect of regional factors on energy poverty.

2. Inequality and redistribution: evidence from Scandinavian and Mediterranean countries.

3. Testing for multiple bubbles: historical episodes on the sustainability of public debt in Spain, 1850–2020.

4. Inequality in tax evasion: the case of the Spanish income tax.

5. The efficiency of public employment services: a matching frontiers approach.

6. Wealth and consumption inequality: an interquantile analysis.

7. Does a "soft" board gender quotas policy work?

8. A counterfactual analysis of the impact of the 2008 and 2020 crises on Spanish employment.

9. Education and economic growth: an empirical analysis of nonlinearities.

10. Economic crisis, unemployment and illegal drug consumption in Spain.

11. The tax gap as a public management instrument: application to wealth taxes.

12. Employment exclusion in Spain: a territorial approach.

13. Prediction of financial distress in the Spanish banking system: An application using artificial neural networks.