Commercial fruit and vegetable box schemes are rapidly growing initiatives that allow customers to make local, organic food choices. This study investigated the socio-demographic profile of consumers using local commercial box schemes, and investigated the barriers and motivations of customers. Cross-sectional surveys using identical questionnaires were conducted in Montpellier, France and Nottingham, England. Box scheme users in both countries were primarily rather affluent professionals. The English reported access to local produce that has travelled less food miles (a more altruistic reason) to be the most important motive to purchasing from the box scheme, whereas the French stated quality of produce (a more hedonistic reason) to be key. Both countries ranked ecological commitment and access to organic food as the next most important influences on their participation. The findings reinforce the importance of food quality and pleasure for the French generally, although once this fundamental criterion has been fulfilled, French box scheme users appear equally motivated by contributing positively to the ecosystem. In England, the desire to eat out of season food was cited as the main barrier to making more sustainable food choices. Cost was an important obstacle to increasing consumption of food from sustainable sources in both countries. more...