Despite a considerable decrease in their incidence worldwide, burn injuries remain one of the commonest forms of trauma and account for a weighty proportion of trauma cases in health-care emergencies around the globe. Although the latest data reveal a substantial decline in burn-related mortality and hospital admissions in the US over the past three decades, severe thermal injuries continue to trigger devastating morbidity and significant mortality while their management remains a dynamic challenge for the entire medical and paramedical community. Concrete evidence continues to be established regarding burn-associated pathophysiologic responses, and their destructive sequelae and deleterious effects in survivors at cellular, systemic as well as socio-economic level. Better understanding of these responses have contributed to advances in therapeutic strategies, improved long-term outcomes and catalyzed the reintegration of victims back into society. This paper describes the current understanding of the pathophysiology of a burn injury and characterizes both local and systemic pathophysiologic responses in terms of metabolic, hemodynamics, cardiac, renal, hepatic, gastro-intestinal, immunologic, endocrine as well as male reproductive systems in an attempt to understand the corresponding treatment modalities for this unique patient population. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]