
Showing total 58 results
58 results

Search Results

1. The History and Politics of US Health Care Policy for American Indians and Alaskan Natives.

2. The President's Committee on Health Education: A 20-Year Retrospective on Its Politics and Policy Impact.

3. Leisure Time Physical Activity Assessment of American Adults through an Analysis of Time Diaries Collected in 1981.

4. Using Cooperative Extension Programs for Health Education.

5. Using a Model as a Practical Management Tool for Family Planning Programs.

6. Emergence of the Medical Care Section of the American Public Health Association, 1926-1948.

7. Financial Conflicts of Interest and Stance on Tobacco Harm Reduction: A Systematic Review.

8. Trends in Trust in the Sources of Health Information on E-Cigarettes Among US Adults, 2015–2017.

9. Implementing Innovations in Public Health Agency Preparedness and Response Programs.

10. FRAMING HEALTH MATTERS. The Health at Every Size Paradigm and Obesity: Missing Empirical Evidence May Help Push the Reframing Obesity Debate Forward.

11. Linking Health Promotion With Entertainment Television.


13. Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of a Universal, School-Based Hepatitis B Vaccination Program.

14. Revision of the National Food Guide and Preparation of National Dietary Guidelines.

15. Effective Nutrition Education Methodology for the American Public.

16. United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA).

17. Notes from the field.

18. Health For All: A Public Health Vision.

19. The New York Needle Trial: The Politics of Public Health in the Age of AIDS.

20. National Health Objectives for the Year 2000: The Demographic Impact of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.

21. The Implementation of Model Standards in Local Health Departments.

22. A Framework for Prevention: Changing Health-Damaging To Health-Generating Life Patterns.

23. An Evaluation of Three Techniques For Improving Immunization Levels in Elementary Schools.

24. State Level Comprehensive Health Planning: A Retrospect.

25. The Use of Central Place Theory for the Location of Maternal and Infant Care Projects.

26. Myths and Realities in International Health Planning.

27. Suicide, Firearms, and Public Health.

28. Forty-Four Dentists Discuss Comprehensive Health Planning.

29. Podiatry and Public Health: A 7-Year Experience in the District of Columbia.

30. Centennial Presidential Address Policy, Priority, and the Power to Act.

31. Lessons to be Learned from New Child Health Programs: Where Do We Go From Here?

32. A Study of Title 19 Coverage of Abortion.

33. Health Care for the Chinese Community in Boston.

34. The Poor, Health, and the Law.

35. The Identification of Value Orientations of Sixth Graders, With Specific Reference to Health Concepts in the School Health Education Study Curriculum.


38. Preventing Rubella: Assessing Missed Opportunities for Immunization.

39. Television and Health Education: Stay Tuned.

40. Community-oriented Primary Care: An Examination of the US Experience.

41. Manning the Battlements of Research and Epidemiology.

42. Behavior Change and Public Attitudes Toward Public Health.

43. Influenza: Some Swinish Reflections.

44. Sharpening the Attack on Bovine Tuberculosis.

45. Pregnancy: A Crisis in Health Education.

46. Evaluating a School Health Program Focused on High Absence Pupils: A Research Design.

48. Health Corners: Reducing Chronic Disease among Black Public Housing Residents in the Nation's Capital.

49. Advertising and Promotion of Tobacco Products.

50. 'English Only" Campaign and the Public's Health.