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1. The «Powers» involved in the process of autonomy of NATS girls

2. Politics in education quality policies in Central America

3. State and social capital in Latin America: In which way the features and actions of the State explain the social capital levels in Latin America? Estado y capital social en América Latina: ¿En qué medida las características y comportamientos del estado explican los niveles de capital social en la región?

4. The left and the democratic stability in Latin America: the ideology of the Bolivarian Revolution and its impact on the political processes in Venezuela and Latin America Izquierda y estabilidad de la democracia en América latina: la ideología de la revolución bolivariana y su repercusión sobre el proceso político en Venezuela y América latina

5. Organized factions and disorganized parties: electoral incentives in Uruguay Grupos organizados y partidos desorganizados: incentivos electorales en Uruguay

6. Derechos de propiedad, compañías petroleras, Estado y renta en Venezuela

7. Construccción de ciudadanía: experiencia de implementación de un índice de participación ciudadana en América Latina

8. La confianza interpersonal brasileña en perspectiva comparada

9. Los temas de la discusión pública en las elecciones presidenciales chilenas 2005: relaciones entre las agendas de los medios y las agendas mediatizadas de los candidatos y del gobierno

10. Los Ministerios de Defensa en América Latina y las consecuencias de la multidimensionalidad de las amenazas

11. Fortalezas y debilidades de la actitud democrática en Venezuela

12. Los Ministerios de Defensa en América Latina y las consecuencias de la multidimensionalidad de las amenazas

13. Parliament representation in Latin America. The permanent commissions and the parties in Congress La representación parlamentaria en América latina. Las comisiones permanentes y los partidos en el congreso

14. Venezuelan students in Spain: a qualified immigration group affected by the conflict

15. «Mano dura» and Democracy in Latin America: Public Security, Violence and Rule of Law

16. Adoption and rights. Access to origins in Argentina, Chile and Spain

17. The 2017 Parliamentary Elections in Chile: Voters’ Traits and Voting Factors

18. Transnational socio-legal mobilization. Extractivism and Human Rights in Latin America

19. The transnationalization of resistance to mega mining in Tambogrande and Pascua Lama

20. Absent but represented: institutional mechanisms of representation of emigrants in Latin America and the Caribbean

21. Non alignment, third worldism and safety in Peru: the foreign policy of the government of Juan Velasco Alvarado (1968-1980)

22. The World Bank’s persuasion policy in its world development reports (1990-2015)

23. Politicians without borders. Transnational networks, political parties and democratization in Latin America

24. The economic determinants of crime: Santiago de Chile 2001-2009

25. Legislative cooperation networks at the subnational level. Cases of Río Negro and Santa Fe

26. Petrobras 60 years: progress and setbacks in the Brazilian developmentalism

27. The role of popular territories in participatory budgeting of the cities of Porto Alegre and Rosario

28. Judicialization of politics and interest groups in Brazil: interest, strategies and results

29. The strengthening of democracy in Brazil and the challenges of electoral observation

30. The electoral observation. Notes for conceptual discussion in Latin America

31. Plurinacionalismo, pluriculturalidad y federalismo en México

32. Organized occupations of urban land in Rio de Janeiro, in the 1980’s and 1990’s

33. Squatters, Squatted houses and Residential Area of the «urban poor» in the city of Buenos Aires

34. Democratic survival in Latin America (1945-2005)

35. Latin America and the rise of China: a Brazilian perspective

36. Electoral campaigns and their effect on voting. A study of the 2003 presidential elections in Argentina

37. Towards a New Set of Democratic Institutions in Mexico

38. Hacia una nueva institucionalidad democrática en México Towards a New Set of Democratic Institutions in Mexico

39. The quality of responsiveness of leftist governments in Latin American countries: perception of the citizenry

40. Political past weight: factors that affect the development of policies of memory in Argentina and Chile El peso político del pasado: factores que inciden en la formulación de las políticas de la memoria en Argentina y Chile

41. Hostile outbursts in the XXI century Argentina. Persistence and recurrence of a disruptive form Los estallidos de hostilidad en la Argentina del siglo XXI. Persistencia y recurrencia de una forma disruptiva

42. Opareí: Transitional Justice in Paraguay Opareí. La justicia de transición en Paraguay

43. «Yvy marae’y»: the conflict of the State with the indigenous villages in Paraguay «Yvy marae’y»: el conflicto del estado con los pueblos indígenas en Paraguay

44. Democratic consolidation in Paraguay La consolidación democrática en Paraguay

45. Alliances, party-switching and pork-barrel politics: the Dominican Republic 2010 legislative elections Aliados, tránsfugas y barrilitos: las elecciones legislativas de 2010 en República Dominicana

46. The Workers’ Party and the political use of judiciary El Partido de los Trabajadores y el uso político del poder judicial

47. Urban movements and disempowerment in Perú and Venezuela Movimientos urbanos y desempoderamiento en Perú y Venezuela

48. Level of development and democracy: Latin American exceptionalism, 1945-1996 Nivel de desarrollo y democracia: el excepcionalismo latinoamericano (1945-1996)

49. Business, State and Public Policies in Brazil: New trends at the dawn of a new Millennium

50. Making democratic constitutions: The Centenary Constitution project prepared by Panama’s Legislative Assembly in 2003