
Showing total 18 results
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1. Maximum Matching Sans Maximal Matching: A New Approach for Finding Maximum Matchings in the Data Stream Model.

2. Connected Subgraph Defense Games.

3. Efficient Online String Matching Based on Characters Distance Text Sampling.

4. An Optimal XP Algorithm for Hamiltonian Cycle on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width.

5. Hardness and Structural Results for Half-Squares of Restricted Tree Convex Bipartite Graphs.

6. The Fast Search Number of a Complete k-Partite Graph.

7. Better and Simpler Approximation Algorithms for the Stable Marriage Problem.

8. Linked Dynamic Tries with Applications to LZ-Compression in Sublinear Time and Space.

9. Euclidean Prize-Collecting Steiner Forest.

10. Foreword.

11. Linear Time Algorithms for Generalizations of the Longest Common Substring Problem.

12. Finding and Counting Permutations via CSPs.

13. A Faster Algorithm for Cuckoo Insertion and Bipartite Matching in Large Graphs.

14. Linear Search by a Pair of Distinct-Speed Robots.

15. Improved Spanning Ratio for Low Degree Plane Spanners.

16. AND-Compression of NP-Complete Problems: Streamlined Proof and Minor Observations.

17. Linear-Time Construction of Two-Dimensional Suffix Trees.

18. Energy Efficient Monitoring in Sensor Networks.