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1. Krein-Space Representations of Arithmetic Functions Determined by Primes

2. Isomorphism Classes of Certain Artinian Gorenstein Algebras

3. Group-cograded Multiplier Hopf ${\left( { * {\text{ - }}} \right)}$ algebras

4. The Auslander–Reiten Quiver of a Poincaré Duality Space

5. Automorphisms of Green Orders and Their Derived Categories

6. [Untitled]

7. The Real Spectrum of a Noncommutative Ring and the Artin-Lang Homomorphism Theorem

8. Classifying Dense Resolving and Coresolving Subcategories of Exact Categories Via Grothendieck Groups

9. Modules for Yokonuma-type Hecke Algebras

10. Strict Mittag-Leffler Conditions and Gorenstein Modules

11. Representations of Hopf-Ore Extensions of Group Algebras and Pointed Hopf Algebras of Rank One

12. Chains of Prime Ideals and Primitivity of ℤ $\mathbb {Z}$ -Graded Algebras

13. The Singularity Categories of the Cluster-Tilted Algebras of Dynkin Type

14. The Double Centralizer Theorem for Semiprime Algebras

15. The Classification of Non-Characteristically Nilpotent Filiform Leibniz Algebras

16. Hochschild Cohomology and the Derived Class of m-Cluster Tilted Algebras of Type $\mathbb{A}$

17. Cohomology and Support Varieties for Restricted Lie Superalgebras

18. On Homomorphisms Indexed by Semistandard Tableaux

19. Quotients in Graded Lie Algebras. Martindale-like Quotients for Kantor Pairs and Lie Triple Systems

20. More Examples of Algebraic Quantum Hypergroups

21. On the Center of the Brauer Algebra

22. On Regularity in Codimension One of Irreducible Components of Module Varieties

23. Maximal Abelian Dimensions in Some Families of Nilpotent Lie Algebras

24. A Decomposition Theorem for Group Representations

25. Partial Skew Group Rings Over Polycyclic by Finite Groups

26. Hilbert–Chow Morphism for Non Commutative Hilbert Schemes and Moduli Spaces of Linear Representations

27. On the Derived Categories and Quasitilted Algebras

28. Local Rings of Rings of Quotients

29. When is a Coalgebra a Generator?

30. Extending Rings of Prüfer Type in Central Simple Algebras

31. Almost-triangular Hopf Algebras

32. Gorenstein Flat Covers and Gorenstein Cotorsion Modules Over Integral Group Rings

33. Two Results on Modules whose Endomorphism Ring is Semilocal

34. Curves in Grothendieck Categories

35. On Group Ring Automorphisms

36. On Semisimple Hopf Algebras of Dimension 2m

37. [Untitled]

38. [Untitled]

39. [Untitled]