
Showing total 13 results
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1. Rent-seeking Behaviors in Property Development: A Literature Review.

2. Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction: Perspectives of the NGO and Local Authorities on Delay Issues.

3. Ageing in Place, an Overview for the Elderly in Malaysia.

4. Stock Flow Diagram Analysis on Solid Waste Management in Malaysia.

5. Nuclear Power: Is It a New Clear Choice for Malaysia.

6. On The Relationship Between Health, Education and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Malaysia.

7. The relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in Malaysia: ARDL Bound test approach.

8. The chicken and egg dilemma for Malaysian sustainable development plan against the economic development in meeting SDG 13 goal.

9. Ranking the Criteria for Sustainability of Community-Based Rural Homestay Programmes from the Perspective of the Operators.

10. Adoption of business support and physical infrastructure towards sustainability youth entrepreneurship.

11. Forecasting International Tourism Demand from the US, Japan and South Korea to Malaysia: A SARIMA Approach.

12. An empirical investigation on different methods of economic growth rate forecast and its behavior from fifteen countries across five continents.

13. Blue and green water use of cultivating selected crops in Malaysia.