Katie B, Biello, Salvatore R, Daddario, Jonathan, Hill-Rorie, Donna, Futterman, Patrick S, Sullivan, Lisa, Hightow-Weidman, Jeb, Jones, Matthew J, Mimiaga, and Kenneth H, Mayer
Young men who have sex with men (YMSM) remain at disproportionate risk for HIV acquisition in the United States (US), yet use of evidence-based prevention strategies, including routine HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), remain low. Smartphones and mobile app usage are nearly ubiquitous in this population. Given the potential for scalability, a mobile app to increase HIV testing and PrEP use among YMSM has the potential to make an extraordinary public health impact if efficacious. Based on extensive formative, community-engaged research, we developed a theory-driven mobile app-MyChoices-to increase HIV testing and PrEP uptake among YMSM. In a pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT), participants (n = 60) were randomized 2:1 to receive MyChoices or standard of care (SOC). Data from 3 to 6-month post-baseline assessments demonstrate that the app was highly acceptable (System Usability Score; mean = 75.8, SD = 10.7) and feasible (94% used the MyChoices app at least once; mean = 15.3 sessions, SD = 9.8). While not powered to assess efficacy, those in the MyChoices arm had 22% higher prevalence of HIV testing over follow-up compared to those in the SOC arm (NS). There was no difference in PrEP uptake. A fully-powered efficacy trial is warranted; if efficacy is demonstrated, the MyChoices app could be easily scaled to reach YMSM across the US.