The values of the viscosity and the thermal conductivity of partially ionized argon plasmas were obtained by investigating the decay of the temperature and the stream velocity distribution in an argon plasma jet at atmospheric pressure. The obtained results agree fairly well with the values calculated using the simple kinetic theory, and the influence of the ionization could be noticed in the results. This report includes the discussion on the thermal equilibrium of the plasma jet used. HE transport properties of high-temperature gases have been required with more practical application of them, although at present these cannot be obtained with good accuracy. This is especially true in the case of ionized or dissociated gases, because of difficulty of direct experimental measurements. Some experimental studies on transport properties of partially ionized plasmas have been reported, mainly on electrical conductivity.1"5 The measurements of the viscosity and the thermal conductivity in dissociated or ionized high-temperature gases at atmospheric pressure have been performed by using electric arcs.6"10 Wienecke6 obtained the thermal conductivity of air with 30% carbon impurity up to 10,000° K by investigating the cooling process of an arc which was observed after its current was cut off. Burhorn7 performed the measurement of the thermal conductivity of N 2 up to 13,000° K3 using the energy balance equation holding in an axially symmetric arc. Maecker8 measured the thermal conductivity of N2 up to 16,000° K by the same method as Burhorn's, but in detail, and obtained a good agreement with the values calculated by the simple kinetic theory. Knopp and Cambel9 measured the thermal conductivity of argon for the temperature range of 8500° to 12,000°K using an electric arc in a confined tube; and the obtained data were in good agreement with theoretically predicted results. Ahlborn and Wienecke10 measured the viscosity of air with 30% carbon impurity up to 10;000°K, using the momentum balance equation in a carbon arc in which the velocity distributions are known. We conducted the measurements of the viscosity and the thermal conductivity of partially ionized argon plasmas at atmospheric pressure, with the use of a plasma jet in which the thermal equilibrium is realized, as described later. The temperature distributions in the plasma jet were obtained by a spectroscopic method and a thermocouple. The axial velocity distributions were obtained by the drag method.11 The knowledge of the decay of the temperature and axial velocity distribution in the plasma jet permits the viscosity and the thermal conductivity to be obtained numerically, using the equations of continuity, momentum, and energy. The values of the viscosity and the thermal conductivity thus obtained were compared with the theoretical values as described below; and the influence of the ionization on their values was investigated. Theoretical studies on transport properties have been reported by some investigators; in these studies the rigorous kinetic theory of Chapman and Enskog12 is generally accepted as the base. In the present paper, the viscosity and the thermal conductivity were calculated by using the simple kinetic theory, considering partially ionized argon plasmas to be mixed gases of atoms, ions, and electrons.13 Besides, the values of the viscosity in partially ionized argon plasmas were calculated by means of the rigorous method for binary mixtures (atom and ion in this case), shown in Ref. 14. For reference, the values of the viscosity and the thermal conductivity in fully ionized argon plasmas were also calculated according to Refs. 15 and 16, respectively. These calculated values were compared with experimental results.