SUMMARY Land application of paper mill SC significantly in-creased corn yields even in the absence of mineral fer-tilizer. Leaf total N measurements indicated that moreN was available for uptake by the corn plants duringthe growing season where SC or NH 4 NO 3 –N was addedcompared with the control. The soil OM content in-creased each year during the application of SC; how-ever, little evidence for long-term accumulation of OMwas noted. Low NO 3 –N concentrations in the deepersoil layers posed no risk to water resources and no SC-relatedchangeswerenotedintheconcentrationsofP,K,Mg, or soil pH. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors would like to thank Brent Winters, GreenfieldEnvironmental Services, for his technical assistance. Partialfunding for this research was provided by Domtar Inc. and theOntario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. REFERENCES Bellaloui,A.,A.Chtaini,G.Ballivy,andS.Narasiah.1999.Laboratoryinvestigation of the control of acid mine drainage using alkalinepaper mill waste. 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