The pistachio psyllid, Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt & Lauterer 1989 (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is an important pest of pistachio in Şanlıurfa, Turkey. In this study, laboratory reared Anthocoris minki Dohrn (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) was released for biological control of pistachio psylla in pistachio orchards. Frozen eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were utilized as prey of rearing of A. minki in the laboratory. The experiment was carried out between May and November in 2006. In the second week of July, A. minki caused reduction the density of pistachio psyllas' from 175.6 to 31.3 nymph/composite leaf. However, in the beginning of August, due to infestations from a neighboring orchard, population density of the pistachio psylla increased to 193.4 nymph/composite leaf. Therefore, in the second week of July, an additional release of A. minki was performed. Towards the end of August the pistachio psylla population density was reduced to the economic injury threshold level. In the control orchard, where no A. minki was released, pistachio psylla reached the density of 458 nymph/composite leaf in spite of insecticide use. The results of this initial study indicated that this predator species may be effective for biological control of A. pistaciae. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]