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1. Remarks on a paper by U. Zannier

2. A functional equation of Ih-Ching Hsu

3. On the functional equation $$\varvec{f(\alpha x+\beta )=f(x)}$$

4. Existence of meromorphic solutions of some generalized Fermat functional equations

5. On the invariance equation for two-variable weighted nonsymmetric Bajraktarević means

6. On a functional equation of Bruce Ebanks

7. Jensen’s functional equation on the symmetric group Sn

8. Constructing and solving equations – inverse operations

9. On a functional equation related to power means

10. Recent results on functional equations in a single variable, perspectives and open problems

11. Row-summable matrices with application to generalization of Schröder’s and Abel’s functional equations

12. On alienation of two functional equations of quadratic type

13. On an application of hypoellipticity to solutions of functional equations

14. On reduction of linear two variable functional equations to differential equations without substitutions

15. On the hyperstability of the generalized class of Drygas functional equations on semigroups

16. The continuous solution of a functional equation of Abel

17. A functional equation of tail-balance for continuous signals in the Condorcet Jury Theorem

18. Iterative roots of continuous functions and Hyers–Ulam stability

19. A probabilistic method of solving Lobachevsky’s functional equation

20. The homomorphism equation on semilattices

21. On the Ulam–Hyers stability of the complex functional equation $$\varvec{F(z)+F(2z)+\cdots +F(nz)=0}$$

22. A functional equation on groups with involutions

23. A note on the Levi-Civita functional equation

24. New results for the multiplicative symmetric equation and related conjecture

25. Nice results about quadratic type functional equations on semigroups

26. On a functional equation characterizing linear similarities

27. On a functional equation related to a problem of G. Derfel

28. Functional equations for exponential polynomials

29. Generalized convolutions and the Levi-Civita functional equation

30. A note on functional equations connected with the Cauchy mean value theorem

31. Inverse ambiguous functions on some finite non-abelian groups

32. On some invariance of the quotient mean with respect to Makó–Páles means

33. A functional equation arising in dynamic programming

34. Hyperstability of the Jensen functional equation in ultrametric spaces

35. Inverse ambiguous functions on fields

36. Integral Van Vleck’s and Kannappan’s functional equations on semigroups

37. Wilson’s functional equation on monoids with involutive automorphisms

38. On the hyperstability of $${\sigma}$$ σ -Drygas functional equation on semigroups

39. Some remarks on derivations in Banach algebras and related results

40. Note on the differentiability of solutions of classC r of a functional equation with respect to a parameter

41. Generalized characteristic equation of branching information measures

42. On the general solution of the triangle mean value equation

43. On the alienation of the exponential Cauchy equation and the Hosszú equation

44. The Aumann functional equation for general weighting procedures

45. On the order of a derivation

46. Local polynomials and the Montel theorem

47. d’Alembert’s other functional equation on monoids with an involution

48. Geometrically convex solutions of a generalized gamma functional equation

49. Special cases of the generalized Hosszú equation on interval

50. On the functional equations of the q-Gamma function