G. T. Zatsepin, P.A. Publichencko, A.V. Apanasenko, M. Ichimura, S. I. Nikolsky, M. Hareyama, A. K. Managadze, T. Misu, Shigeo Ohta, H. Matsutani, R. A. Mukhamedshin, H. Nanjo, L. G. Sveshnikova, V. I. Lapshin, G. P. Sazhina, M. Fujii, H. Sugimoto, Eiji Kamioka, T. Shiota, I. V. Yashin, Michiyoshi Namiki, Tadashi Kobayashi, Nobuyuki Yajima, A. Nakamura, I.V. Rakobolskaya, V. V. Kopenkin, H. Semba, T. Fukuda, V.A. Berezovskaya, K. Ogura, V. M. Taran, D. S. Oshuev, G. Hashimoto, T. M. Roganova, N. P. Misnikova, Shuichi Kuramata, E. A. Zamchalova, Z. Watanabe, I. S. Zayarnaya, T. Shibata, and Takamasa Yamagami
We report experimental results obtained by using a wide-gap type emulsion chamber flown in the first Japanese-Russo joint balloon project, called RUNJOB ( RU ssia- N ippon JO int B alloon-program). Two balloons were launched from Kamchatka in July 1995, and both were recovered successfully near the Volga River. The exposure time was 130 hours for the first flight and 168 hours for the second. The mean ceiling altitude, in both flights, was 32 km corresponding to 10 g/cm 2 . Total area of the emulsion chamber was 0.8 m 2 , and the thickness 0.385 and 2.28 collision m.f.p.'s for vertically incident proton- and iron-primaries, respectively. We detected 381 showers using Fuji-#200-type X-ray film; of these 174 showers were due to atmospheric secondary γ-rays, and the rest 207 came from nuclear components. The energy range covers 20∼200 TeV for proton-primary, 3∼30 TeV/nucleon for helium-primary, and 0.7∼5 TeV/nucleon for iron-primary. We give the energy spectra for various elements (proton, helium, …, iron) as well as the all-particle spectrum and the average mass of the cosmic-ray primaries.