
Showing total 34 results
34 results

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1. Advances in metric embedding theory

2. Pursuing the double affine Grassmannian II: Convolution

3. Representation theory of p-adic groups and canonical bases

4. Weighted divisor sums and Bessel function series, II

5. Lie algebras and Lie groups over noncommutative rings

6. Inverse problems and index formulae for Dirac operators

7. How often surface diffeomorphisms have infinitely many sinks and hyperbolicity of periodic points near a homoclinic tangency

8. Zero cycles on homogeneous varieties

9. h-Vectors of Gorenstein* simplicial posets

10. A polynomial expression for the Hilbert series of the quotient ring of diagonal coinvariants

11. The homotopy limit problem for Hermitian K-theory, equivariant motivic homotopy theory and motivic Real cobordism

12. Deformations of algebroid stacks

13. A scheme related to the Brauer loop model

14. A generalized localization theorem and geometric inequalities for convex bodies

15. Asymptotics of unitary and orthogonal matrix integrals

16. Gale duality and Koszul duality

17. Nonvanishing of Kronecker coefficients for rectangular shapes

18. On the Turán number for the hexagon

19. Regularity for obstacle problems in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces

20. Non-commutative integrability, paths and quasi-determinants

21. Rotational invariance of quadromer correlations on the hexagonal lattice

22. Holomorphic disks and knot invariants

23. Functions of normal operators under perturbations

24. Ramanujan's 'Lost' Notebook VIII: the entire Rogers–Ramanujan function

25. Quantization of minimal resolutions of Kleinian singularities

26. From p-adic to real Grassmannians via the quantum

27. Geometry of formal Kuranishi theory

28. The sharp Sobolev and isoperimetric inequalities split twice

29. Rational Cherednik algebras and Hilbert schemes

30. Universally meager sets and principles of generic continuity and selection in Banach spaces

31. On complete reducibility for infinite-dimensional Lie algebras

32. Projectively simple rings

33. Regularity of the geodesic equation in the space of Sasakian metrics

34. Definable sets of generators in maximal cofinitary groups