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480 results

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2. Existence and nonexistence of extremal functions for sharp Trudinger-Moser inequalities

3. Normal crossings singularities for symplectic topology

4. Quasi-elliptic cohomology I

5. Balanced derivatives, identities, and bounds for trigonometric and Bessel series

6. Transfer operators and Hankel transforms between relative trace formulas, II: Rankin–Selberg theory

7. Decomposition spaces, incidence algebras and Möbius inversion III: The decomposition space of Möbius intervals

8. Nevanlinna theory of the Askey–Wilson divided difference operator

9. The Goldman–Turaev Lie bialgebra in genus zero and the Kashiwara–Vergne problem

10. Exceptional collections on Dolgachev surfaces associated with degenerations

11. On emergence and complexity of ergodic decompositions

12. L-improving estimates for Radon-like operators and the Kakeya-Brascamp-Lieb inequality

13. GIT versus Baily-Borel compactification for K3's which are double covers of P1×P1

14. Partial orders on conjugacy classes in the Weyl group and on unipotent conjugacy classes

15. An infinite self-dual Ramsey theorem

16. Answer to a 1962 question by Zappa on cosets of Sylow subgroups

17. Flattening of CR singular points and analyticity of the local hull of holomorphy II

18. Bernstein inequality and holonomic modules

19. Extremal function for capacity and estimates of QED constants in Rn

20. Simplicity of inverse semigroup and étale groupoid algebras

21. Quantum toroidal and shuffle algebras

22. Minimal surfaces near short geodesics in hyperbolic 3-manifolds

23. Instability of high dimensional Hamiltonian systems: Multiple resonances do not impede diffusion

24. Existence of optimal ultrafilters and the fundamental complexity of simple theories

25. Bridgeland stability conditions on the acyclic triangular quiver

26. Archimedean non-vanishing, cohomological test vectors, and standard L-functions of GL2: Complex case

27. Existence and nonexistence of extremals for critical Adams inequalities in R4 and Trudinger-Moser inequalities in R2

28. Truncated Hecke-Rogers type series

29. Representations of mock theta functions

30. GW invariants relative to normal crossing divisors

31. Genus-2 G-function for P1 orbifolds

32. Channel capacities via p-summing norms

33. Noncommutative geometry and conformal geometry. III. Vafa–Witten inequality and Poincaré duality

34. On operator inequalities of some relative operator entropies

35. Mirror symmetry for closed, open, and unoriented Gromov–Witten invariants

36. Central sets and substitutive dynamical systems

37. Multi-parameter singular Radon transforms II: TheLptheory

38. A simple construction of Grassmannian polylogarithms

39. Lipschitz selections of the diametric completion mapping in Minkowski spaces

40. Total positivity in loop groups, I: Whirls and curls

41. The classification of automorphism groups of rational elliptic surfaces with section

42. Tropical analytic geometry, Newton polygons, and tropical intersections

43. The geometry of blueprints

44. A comparison theorem for Gromov–Witten invariants in the symplectic category

45. The structure of AS-Gorenstein algebras

46. Classifying spaces for braided monoidal categories and lax diagrams of bicategories

47. Classifying thick subcategories of the stable category of Cohen–Macaulay modules

48. Partial symmetry, reflection monoids and Coxeter groups

49. Stable points on algebraic stacks

50. Conformal deformations of integral pinched 3-manifolds