
Showing total 10 results
10 results

Search Results

1. Impact of the removal of misleading terms on cigarette pack on smokers' beliefs about 'light/mild' cigarettes: cross-country comparisons.

2. Age as a predictor of quit attempts and quit success in smoking cessation: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four‐Country survey (2002–14).

3. The impact of quitting smoking on depressive symptoms: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four-Country Survey.

4. News and Notes.

5. News and Notes.

6. Scheduling of newly emerging drugs: a critical review of decisions over 40 years.

7. The association between exposure to point-of-sale anti-smoking warnings and smokers' interest in quitting and quit attempts: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey.

8. Predictors of smoking relapse by duration of abstinence: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.

9. Smokers with financial stress are more likely to want to quit but less likely to try or succeed: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.

10. News and Notes.