
Showing total 17 results
17 results

Search Results

1. Confounding and studies of 'moderate' alcohol consumption: the case of drinking frequency and implications for low-risk drinking guidelines.

2. CHRNB3 is more strongly associated with Fagerström Test for Cigarette Dependence-based nicotine dependence than cigarettes per day: phenotype definition changes genome-wide association studies results.

3. The party effect: prediction of future alcohol use based on exposure to specific alcohol advertising content.

4. A 'missing not at random' ( MNAR) and 'missing at random' ( MAR) growth model comparison with a buprenorphine/naloxone clinical trial.

5. Use of Silk Road, the online drug marketplace, in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States.

6. Differences between early-onset pathological gambling and later-onset pathological gambling: data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions ( NESARC).

7. Psychiatric comorbidity in treatment-seeking substance use disorder patients with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: results of the IASP study.

8. Non-medical use of prescription opioids during the transition to adulthood: a multi-cohort national longitudinal study.

9. Homelessness, cigarette smoking and desire to quit: results from a US national study.

10. Psychological predictors of male smokeless tobacco use initiation and cessation: a 16-year longitudinal study.

11. Prospective correlates of drinking cessation: variation across the life-course.

12. Racial differences in the relationship between tobacco dependence and nicotine and carcinogen exposure.

13. Women ending marriage to a problem drinking partner decrease their own risk for problem drinking.

14. What would menthol smokers do if menthol in cigarettes were banned? Behavioral intentions and simulated demand.

15. Smokeless tobacco use related to military deployment, cigarettes and mental health symptoms in a large, prospective cohort study among US service members.

16. The association between exposure to point-of-sale anti-smoking warnings and smokers' interest in quitting and quit attempts: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey.

17. The social norms of birth cohorts and adolescent marijuana use in the United States, 1976-2007.