
Showing total 97 results
97 results

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1. Alcohol and mortality: methodological and analytical issues in aggregate analyses.

2. Underestimation of alcohol consumption in cohort studies and implications for alcohol's contribution to the global burden of disease.

3. Cannabis, psychosis and schizophrenia: unravelling a complex interaction.

4. Understanding and learning from the diversification of cannabis supply laws.

5. The drug situation in Europe: an overview of data available on illicit drugs and new psychoactive substances from European monitoring in 2015.

7. Indicators of alcohol consumption and attributable harm for monitoring and surveillance in European Union countries.

8. Environmental factors in drinking venues and alcohol-related harm: the evidence base for European intervention.

9. Access and coverage of needle and syringe programmes (NSP) in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

10. Alcohol and all-cause mortality in Europe 1982-1990: a pooled cross-section time-series analysis.

11. Alcohol consumption in the European Community: uniformity and diversity in drinking patterns.

12. Genetic support of a causal relationship between cannabis use and educational attainment: a two‐sample Mendelian randomization study of European ancestry.

13. Brain structural covariance network differences in adults with alcohol dependence and heavy‐drinking adolescents.

14. News and Notes.

15. Commentary on Kim et al. (2013): Drink driving in Hong Kong-a response.

16. Liver cirrhosis in eastern Europe.

17. Alcohol consumption and mortality rates from traffic accidents, accidental falls, and other accidents in 14 European countries.

18. Alcohol and European transformation.

19. Building a pan-European alcohol policy research competence.

20. News and Notes.

21. Community reinforcement and family training and rates of treatment entry: a systematic review.

22. European observations on cannabis legalization.

23. Which policy for new psychoactive drugs?

24. Tobacco control policies and smoking among older adults: a longitudinal analysis of 10 European countries.

25. Increasing potency and price of cannabis in Europe, 2006–16.

26. A transdiagnostic dimensional approach towards a neuropsychological assessment for addiction: an international Delphi consensus study.

27. Prevalence of youth gambling and potential influence of substance use and other risk factors throughout 33 European countries: first results from the 2015 ESPAD study.

28. Global statistics on alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use: 2017 status report.

29. ‘Are The Times A‐Changin’? Trends in adolescent substance use in Europe.

30. The association between personal income and smoking among adolescents: a study in six European cities.

31. Response to Jernigan & Ross (2014): Alcohol advertising and hazardous drinkers.

32. What lessons from Europe's experience could be applied in the United States in response to the opioid addiction and overdose crisis?

33. Life-time risk of mortality due to different levels of alcohol consumption in seven European countries: implications for low-risk drinking guidelines.

34. Barriers to access to opioid medicines for patients with opioid dependence: a review of legislation and regulations in eleven central and eastern European countries.

35. European longitudinal study on the relationship between adolescents' alcohol marketing exposure and alcohol use.

36. Inconsistencies in the assumptions linking punitive sanctions and use of cannabis and new psychoactive substances in Europe.

37. What drug policies cost. Does Europe know how much it is spending to face the drugs phenomenon?

38. News and Notes.

39. A comparison of the efficacy of brief interventions to reduce hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption between European and non-European countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

40. The efficacy of acamprosate and naltrexone in the treatment of alcohol dependence, Europe versus the rest of the world: a meta-analysis.

41. The association between family affluence and smoking among 15-year-old adolescents in 33 European countries, Israel and Canada: the role of national wealth.

42. Favourite alcohol advertisements and binge drinking among adolescents: a cross-cultural cohort study.

43. Country- and individual-level determinants of probable problematic gambling in adolescence: a multi-level cross-national comparison.

44. Association between stricter alcohol advertising regulations and lower hazardous drinking across European countries.

45. New psychoactive substances: driving greater complexity into the drug problem.

46. Psychiatric comorbidity in treatment-seeking substance use disorder patients with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: results of the IASP study.

47. Prevalence of pathological internet use among adolescents in Europe: demographic and social factors.

48. Housewife or working mum-each to her own? The relevance of societal factors in the association between social roles and alcohol use among mothers in 16 industrialized countries.

49. Is contaminated unrecorded alcohol a health problem in the European Union? A review of existing and methodological outline for future studies.

50. Epidemiology and alcohol policy in Europe.